Impact Of Marketing In The Development Of Tourism

(A Case Study Of Enugu State)

5 Chapters
100 Pages
13,097 Words

Marketing plays a pivotal role in fostering the growth and enhancement of the tourism industry, serving as a catalyst for destination promotion, visitor engagement, and revenue generation. Through strategic campaigns utilizing diverse platforms such as social media, online advertising, and traditional marketing channels, destinations can effectively showcase their unique attractions, cultural heritage, and recreational offerings to a global audience, thereby increasing visibility and attracting potential visitors. Moreover, targeted marketing efforts tailored to specific market segments enable destinations to capitalize on emerging trends and consumer preferences, fostering sustainable tourism development while simultaneously mitigating negative impacts such as over-tourism. By harnessing innovative marketing strategies, destinations can cultivate memorable visitor experiences, cultivate positive destination perceptions, and ultimately drive economic growth through increased tourist arrivals and expenditure, thereby solidifying their position as sought-after travel destinations in the competitive tourism landscape.


The study was on the impact of marketing in the development of tourism in Enugu state.
The researcher towards reviewing all the related literature necessary to up date the subjects and have a better understanding of the impact of marketing n the development of tourism. Research conducted revealed that for tourism to prosper in the future that is needed for recognition and implementation of all the marketing concepts.
The data for this study were collected both from the primary and secondary sources. A pilot survey of the population was conducted to determine the sample size, on the course of the analysis, may problems were discovered to have hampered the effective and efficient performance of tourism industry in Enugu state. These findings are such as.
1. Non application of marketing concepts or marketing activities like sale promotion.
2. There is also no marketing department for the majority of the tourism organization.
3. There is also lack of government commitment in the implementation of tourism policies.
4. The tourism organization themselves have not been able to understand the environment they operate before fixing their prices.
5. Inadequacy of fund has also been the major constraints for effective tourism development. Equally tourism industry itself is managed by people who are professional incompetent in the field of tourism. The researcher based on these findings recommended that tourism association should participate in the marking of tourism policies.
The adequate publicity should be given to the industry through sales promotion and advertising to create tourism awareness. That tourism organization should establish and run their own marketing department which should be headed by marketing professions for enhancement of tourism development. That the pricing policies of the different tourist organizations.


Title Page
Approval Page

Chapter One
1.1 Introduction

1.2 Background Of The Study
1.3 Statement Of The Problem
1.4 Objective Of The Study
1.5 Research Hypothesis
1.6 Significance Of The Study
1.7 Limitation Of The Study
1.8 Definition Of The Term

Chapter Two
2.0 Review Of Related Literature

2.1 The Impact Of Tourism
2.2 The Service Of Tourism
2.3 Tourism Potentials In Enugu State
2.4 Characteristics Of Tourism Services
2.5 Marketing Mix
2.6 Marketing Strategy
2.7 Benefits
2.8 The Needs For Tourism Development.

Chapter Three
3.1 Research Methodology And Design

3.2 Population Of The Study
3.3 Sample Size
3.4 Sampling Technique
3.5 Treatment Of Data
3.6 Research Instrument.

Chapter Four
4.0 Data Presentation, Analysis And Interpretation

4.1 Data Presentation And Interpretation
4.2 Test Of Hypothesis

Chapter Five
5.0 Summary Of Findings, Recommendation And Conclusion

5.1 Summary Of Findings
5.2 Recommendation
5.3 Conclusion



Tourism is defined as the practice of traveling for pressure especially ones holidays tours, Hotel etc. for tourist.
Also tourism is the sum of the phenomenon and relationship arising from the travel and study of non-residents in so far as they do not lead to permanent residence is not convicted with an earning activity.
Tourism is an industry, which is based on the visits made by people within and outside the country for the purpose of relaxation revisiting rest and participation in exciting non-routine activities. The destinations of tourist traffic are usually located outside where the tourists like and work.
Tourism, people travel outside the normal domicile to other areas within the country on the other hand when people travel to a country on the other that in which they normally like and which is a separated, national unit with its own political and economic system. They are involved in international tourism. In determining the impact of marketing on the development of tourism, Philips Kotler defers to marketing as a managerial process which identifies anticipates and supplies customer’s requirement efficiently and profitability in deed, marketing as one other management function has number contributions to make in tourism development.
Krippend off defined market tourism as the systematic and coordinate execution business policy by tourist undertaking whether state owned at local regional national international level the needs if identifiable consumers groups and in doing so to achieve an appropriate return.
The first equipment for tourism planning therefore is knowledge of the market and this involves researching into people and their need that is to sky tourism facilities should be organized primarily to meet the needs of the guest or users.
The impact of market is seen to include the assessment of consumers demand in the first place and not mercy satisfying demand as it appears.

The growth and development of tourism are not without problems. The first is that of land used when for example much of the areas of the tourist destination is devoted to enable land and to other forms of agriculture. There may be a conflict in the demands which tourism makes on the countryside for land requirement for his facilities.
This calls for provision of areas of land and arising the problems of a location of scale resources in the most equitable and satisfying way.
Secondary there may be conflict between the demand of visitors and the interest of resident of a town or region the large the number of visitors and the greatest of risk of inconveniencies or loss of amenity and facility of those living in the town or regions.
Tourism implies the injection into the destination of an alien elements which may engender resentment in other words, tourism may guess rise to population explosion. It is an important test of the tourist organization to educate the resident population.
Thirdly, tourism is to a considerable extent seasonal activities as observed during this study, tourist centers have special days or needs or period of highest visits.
Relatively little of tourism continuities throughout the year, most of its facilities are used intensively for less than half time. This ledges to a wasteful use of resources and may in seasonal unemployment, this is to an economic as well as social problem.
Fourthly, another problems is in the area of promotion and publicity to change some of the traditional attitudes of our people with a largely aggression culture to coax them out of the conservatism to which they seen entrusted. The public needs to be relaxation and on what tourism is all about. Need, many people do not even know about the existence of some of our tourist attractions existing in the state.
However, it must be pointed out that our tourist organizations have been less concerned with the promotion of their service. They should involve themselves in promotional activities such as the sponsoring of sport tournaments at least twice a year. They should also engage in organizing for instance culture festivals. This non-development of tourist facilities to complete favorably with those funds in development countries, account for constant movement by Nigerians to overseas countries for holidays and relaxation these people who would have constitutes the tourist market in Nigerian are loss to oversea market.

In this study, the researcher intends
1. To identify the target market and to highlight the purpose of relaxation to individual consumers who make up the market.
2. The researcher wishes to identify the tourist attention (product) available on the state and their facilities
3. It is also the wishes of researcher to identify the various ways or media by which the proprietors have seen able to make suggestion on ways to brining their services to the people or consumers.
It is the intention of the researcher in this study to ascertain to what extent the state of tourism in the state will be improve or developed by.
a. Exploring the impact of marketing in tourism development and determine market problems in tourism.
b. Ascertaining the position of the tourist industry in the economic development of the state
c. Finding out if there are real qualified professionals in our tourist industry.
d. Finding out the problems encountered in running and maintaining tourist facilities.
e. Finding out the tourist industry actually applies the “Concept of marketing in marketing its tourist products.

Ho: The quality of tourist services offered by tourist organizations in Enugu state is not satisfactorily.
H1: The quality of tourist product/facilities offered by tourist organization in Enugu state is satisfactorily.
Ho: The price of tourist product provided by tourist organization in Enugu leads to increase in sales
H2: The price of tourist product provided by tourist organization in Enugu does not lead to increase in sales.
Ho: Distribution strategies adopted by tourist organization in Enugu do not have positive effect on tourism products.
H3: Distribution strategies adopted by tourist organization in Enugu state have positive effect on tourist products.
Ho: The promotional strategies adopted by tourist organization in Enugu do not lead to customer awareness.
H4: The promotional strategies adopted by tourist organizational in Enugu leads to customer awareness.
Ho: The marketing strategies employed by tourist organization do not lead to increase sales.
H5: The marketing strategies employed by tourist organization lead to increase sales.

The researcher hopes that this study will enable the tourist industry/cooperators and government value the effect of non-application of marketing concepts.
The study will also help all the tourist industry in Nigeria especially in Enugu state to know the reason behind the poor performance of the tourist industries and understands the impact to play in the tourist facilities and the users.
The study will also act as a literature review to those interested in doing further studies in this areas of the study will also help keep the tourist proprietors to live up to their effectuation of their consumer or guest by making sure that all necessary tourist centers are developed and the facilities properly maintained.
Finally, the management proprieties including government will benefits from this report of this study

The researcher was supposed to make a study of the many tourist centers that make up the tourist industry in the country.
But owing to certain circumstances and observation, the study of Enugu metropolis only led to been taken the circumstance which made the study to be limited to only Enugu state considered inadequate of the study and economic constraints.
The researcher also noticed that the tourist industry is faced with almost the same problem of underdevelopment throughout the country. Therefore it is assume that since such is the cash a study within the Enugu urban will be adequate.

1 TOURIST DESTINATION: These are people who travel to outside the race where they live and work within a few days, weeks, or months.
2. TOURIST DESTINATION: These are countries, region, distinct, towns, village or other geographical area visited by tourists.
3. TOURIST MARKET: This may be viewed as not works of dealing between buyers and sellers of tourist products i.e. between tourist and providers of tourist facilities and sources and represent tourist demand.
4. TOURIST PRODUCT: This is a narrow sense, consist of what tourist buy, an a wider sense, tourist at the destination and if the facilities and services they use to make it possible.
5. TOURIST FACILITIES AND SERVICES: Are facilities and services used by tourist they include transportation, accommodation, catering entertainment. Tourist facilities and services represents tourist supply.
6. TOURIST INDUSTRY: Is the sum total of producers of tourist facilities and services, that part of the economy which has common function of supplying tourist needs firms and establishment dealing income from tourist.
7. TOURIST CENTER: Place of great tourist activity which the potentials of attracting people tourist from surrounding distracts or from which they go out
8. TOURIST ATTRCATION: Places/areas that have some potential of futures natural or other wise into a tourist centers.

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Impact Of Marketing In The Development Of Tourism:

Marketing plays a crucial role in the development of tourism by promoting destinations, attracting visitors, and generating economic benefits. Here are some key ways in which marketing impacts the development of tourism:

  1. Destination Promotion: Marketing efforts showcase the unique attractions, culture, and experiences of a destination to potential travelers. Through advertisements, social media, websites, brochures, and other promotional materials, destinations can create a compelling image that entices tourists to visit.
  2. Branding: Effective tourism marketing can create a strong brand identity for a destination. A well-defined brand helps differentiate the location from competitors and establishes a memorable image in the minds of travelers.
  3. Increased Visitor Numbers: Marketing campaigns, such as advertising and promotions, can lead to an increase in the number of tourists visiting a destination. This influx of visitors can have a positive impact on the local economy, including the hospitality, transportation, and retail sectors.
  4. Economic Growth: Tourism marketing contributes significantly to the economic development of a region. It creates job opportunities, stimulates business growth, and generates revenue through taxes, fees, and spending by tourists.
  5. Infrastructure Development: As a destination gains popularity due to effective marketing, there is often an increased demand for infrastructure development. This may include the construction of new hotels, restaurants, transportation facilities, and recreational activities, which can further enhance the destination’s appeal.
  6. Community Involvement: Tourism marketing can engage local communities in promoting their culture, traditions, and heritage. This involvement can foster a sense of pride and preservation of local traditions, leading to sustainable tourism development.
  7. Seasonal Balancing: Marketing efforts can help balance the influx of tourists by promoting off-peak or shoulder seasons. This reduces the strain on resources during peak times and ensures a more even distribution of tourism-related income throughout the year.
  8. Sustainable Tourism Practices: Effective marketing can also promote responsible and sustainable tourism practices. By highlighting eco-friendly options, cultural preservation, and responsible travel behavior, marketing campaigns can encourage tourists to minimize their impact on the environment and local communities.
  9. Improved Services: Tourism marketing can incentivize businesses to enhance the quality of their services to meet the expectations of travelers. This leads to better overall experiences for tourists, which, in turn, encourages repeat visits and positive word-of-mouth recommendations.
  10. Monitoring and Adaptation: Marketing campaigns generate valuable data on visitor preferences and behavior. Tourism authorities can use this data to adapt their strategies and make informed decisions to continually improve the visitor experience and destination development.

In summary, marketing is a vital tool for the development of tourism. It not only attracts tourists but also drives economic growth, infrastructure development, and sustainable practices while fostering a sense of pride and identity within local communities. Effective marketing strategies can help destinations reach their full tourism potential and create a positive and lasting impact on their overall development.