Impact Of The Nigerian Union Of Teachers On The Management Of Educational Crises In Secondary Schools In Nigeria

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The Impact Of The Nigerian Union Of Teachers On The Management Of Educational Crises In Secondary Schools In Nigeria Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)


This research work examined the Nigeria Union of Teacher (NUT) and the Management of Crisis in Education in Ilorin West Local Government Area. The instruments used in the data collected were analyzed by the use of percentages and the statistical chi square test. A questionnaire named “ the impact of the Nigerian  Union of Teacher on the Management of Crisis in Education in Ilorin West Local Government Area” was administered on 133 respondents comprising of 10 teachers each in 13 schools and the questionnaire were well responded to. Hypothesis was tested and it was discovered that the NUT helps in the resolution of management crises in secondary schools.  It was recommended that government and its agencies should take Nigerian Union of Teacher into greater confidence to facilitate her contribution to the decision making and policy formulation process in education. Moreso, adequate funds by the government should be disbursed to the Nigeria Union of Teacher (NUT) so as to ensure effectiveness and efficiency of the association

Aims and Objectives

The main objective of the study is to ascertain the impact of Nigerian union of teachers on the management of educational crises in secondary schools in Nigeria; but to aid the completion of the study, the researcher intends to achieve the following specific objectives;

  1. To ascertain the impact of NUT in the management of crises in secondary schools in Nigeria
  2. To examine the role of NUT in combating the menace of mismanagement in secondary schools
  3. To examine the effect of NUT on the management style of secondary schools in Nigeria
  4. To ascertain if there is any relationship between NUT and crises management in secondary schools
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