The Improving The Efficiency Of Security Agents In Ports Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
This study was carried out on improving the efficiency of security agent in the Port Harcourt sea port and how they tackle security problems arising from the day-to-day activities of the Port. The secondary source of data obtained from documented facts was used extensively for this study. The documented records was extracted and compiled from Security reports on the sea port and documents recording port reforms as well scholarly articles on sea port security, for a period of four years. And method of data analysis employed were moving averages, graphical representations, quantitative description (using operation efficiency model), and the statistical chi-square test of hypothesis. The operational efficiencies were estimated over a period of 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.
The relationship between the operational efficiency and security is therefore of in verse proportionality. This means that a surge in the security challenge will adversely reduce if the security agents are given adequate equipment. From the statistical test of hypothesis estimated, it is apparent that the null hypotheses are to be rejected. The study therefore conclude that the availability of equipment is one of the factors affecting the efficiency of security officials because if the security officials have every equipment needed to carry out their duties effectively, then the rate of smuggling in the Port Harcourt sea port will be reduced.
1.1 Background of the study
Nigeria is indeed one of the greatest maritime nations of the world; this is confirmed by both the local maritime operators and foreign maritime operators. Ports are supposed to be security zones and policed as such to prevents crimes mainly theft, smuggling among sabotage attacks, stowaway. In olden days, theft as merely limited to petty pilferage and broaching of cartons by Dockers only tilling their pockets that would neither attract attention nor cause appreciable loss to the cargo consignee. The crime latter escalated to piracy on board vessels at anchorage. Crews were violently robbed and cargo stolen, with some measure of success in checking piracy at anchorage, attention shifted to the ports proper. There are many security agents both conventional recognized law enforcement agents and the fadeless ones purporting to be government officials seeing to the general security of our ports These notwithstanding the ports are being easily accessible to a multitude of hoodlums now popularly known as “what rats” and syndicates of other malefactors actors who have made the ports their homes.
They vandalize the lighting system to enable them carry out their natural and notorious activities. Any degree of crimes can now be perpetrated by these hoodlums acting in cohorts with some of the security agents, and port official. Crew members going ashore are sometimes violently attacked and robbed within and outside the ports.
Maritime transport is generally regarded as an important facilitator of world trade, permeating all national and international boundaries. More than purely a facilitator, maritime transport is also a significant exportable service in many countries and in the process contributes directly to national Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (Yarbrough and Yarbrough, 2006). In this occasion, access to a global network of reliable, efficient and cost-effective maritime transport service is beneficial to all countries including developed and developing countries, whose trade in price-sensitive goods often comprises a significant component of their economies (WTO, 2004). Notwithstanding the crucial role maritime transport plays in our daily lives, it also carries with it significant risk factors which can jeopardize the economies of countries if unchecked. Such risk factors include among others maritime terrorism and its potential negative effects on global transport chain (Ukpere, 2010).
They vandalize the lighting system to enable them carry out their natural and notorious activities. Any degree of crimes can now be perpetrated by these hoodlums acting in cohorts with some of the security agents, and port official. Crewmembers going ashore are sometimes violently attacked and robbed within and outside the ports. It is on this background that this study will get to discover the effectiveness of the security agents in Nigeria ports.
1.2 Statement of the problem
Crew members going ashore are sometimes violently attacked and robbed within and outside the ports. Cargo theft has grown from breaking any types of package within the ports to complete disappearance of container out of the ports. Cargos are being successfully cleared from the port by spurious owners. Ships are boarded by unauthorized persons who steal both cargoes and ship property including those relate to safety. What a criminal act! Vehicular cargoes are more vulnerable to plunder age because of the attention they attract.
If Nigeria must grow both politically and economically, there are needs for an efficient and effective security system for safety of cargoes and ship including the crews. These should be both the activities of the appropriate authority and the private sectors to ensure that security at the port be maintained.
On this background the researcher wants to investigate efficiency and effectiveness of security agencies in Nigeria ports.
1.3 Objective of the study
The purpose of this study includes:
To assess if availability of equipment is one of the factors affecting the efficiency of security officials
To highlight the importance of security agents in ports.
To evaluate the performances of security agents in ports
To focus attention on factors influencing the efficiency and effectiveness of security agents in Nigeria ports
1.4 Research questions
Is the availability of equipment one of the factors affecting the efficiency of security officials?
What is the importance of security agents in ports?
How are the performances of security agents in ports?
What are the factors influencing the efficiency and effectiveness of security agents in Nigeria ports?
1.5 Research Hypothesis
H0; Availability of equipment is not among the factors affecting the efficiency of security officials
H1; Availability of equipment is one of the factors affecting the efficiency of security officials
1.6 Significance of the study
This study will give clear insight on efficiency and effectiveness of security agencies in Nigeria. The study will be beneficial to students, Nigeria port authority and the general public. The study will also serve as a reference to other researchers that want to embark on this study.
1.7 Scope of the study
The study is centered on analyzing the efficiency and effectiveness of security agencies in Nigeria port. The study is limited to Nigeria port Authority, Port Harcourt, Rivers state.
1.8 Limitation of the study
The limitation of this study was inability of security personnel to divulge certain information which they consider sensitive and fear of publication which might be detrimental to their operation.
Also, the outright inability of some respondents to complete and return the questionnaire to the researcher is one of the limitations of the study. Another limitation to the study was traffic congestion for the researcher to meet them in their places of work and for possible return of the questionnaire.
Finally, the researcher observed the non-cooperative attitude of some workers of the company to make information available for her.
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