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This study on the Influence Of Instagram On Body Image Among Female Mass Communication Students Of Novena University is relevant for students in Mass Communication and other related fields.


This study aimed at examining the influence of instagram on body image among female mass communication students of novena university. The specific objectives were to find out and investigate: the consequences of instagram use on body image among female university students, the effects of instagram on body image through social body comparison among female university students, the adoption rate of Instagram among female university students and the effect Instagram influencers have on body image of female university students.; the sample size of 250 was reached. Primary data was sourced using questionnaires and interview guides. Coding of quantitative data was accomplished. The obtained data was entered into the computer system for descriptive statistics. There was utilisation of Statistical Package (SPSS V 20.0) and MS Excel to compute descriptive statistics such as percentages, standard deviation, mean and frequency. This was meant for presentation of quantitative data in form of graphs and tables. It was established that majority of the young women in universities believe that there is a particular body frame that is promoted within the Instagram application as well as by Instagram influencers within the society which is contrary to the idealised standards of beauty propagated in the Western nations. Respondents also indicated that they sometimes look to instagram for the modern fashion trends and beauty aspects to boost their image. It also came out that the use of instagram leads to greater feelings of anxiety and depression due to body surveillance. In rare cases, unlike the Western countries where this is viewed as major concern, use of instagram was seen to have minimal effects on eating disorders and unhealthy dieting behaviours and sleeping challenges so as to attain the body image that is ideal. The study therefore recommends that for purposes of preserving young women’s health and confidence, it is important for the industry to acknowledge how pressuring young women to fit into a particular frame leads to an increase in body image concerns which in turn can result to management of appearance behaviours on women. It also recommends that marketers should recognize that majority of the young adult females adopt social media especially instagram and they can therefore use this avenue to reach them for free in large numbers to sell products in which they are the targeted market.

Chapter One


1.1 Background to the Study

According Grogan (2008), body image is a is the way a person feels, their perceptions and thoughts regarding their body. To gauge body image, the society has come up with a set of standards that do not always correspond to how individuals perceive their body. Throughout history there have been different body ideals that set the standards for the most desired body image during that era for instance, many years ago, artworks and sculptures had thickset silhouettes portraying the ideal body of that time. In recent times, most notably the late 20th century, models with portraits of thin, waif-like filling the pages of fashion magazines (Howard, 2018). Currently, some of the standards of the ideal body image mostly being showcased and celebrated online with “likes” on social networking sites (SNSs) include being thin, curvy, and even having a proportionate body (Waldman, Loomes, Mountford & Tchanturia, 2013).

Body image is now looked at and understood as composite bearing affective, behavioural, perceptual and cognitive components. According to Cash & Pruzinsky (1990) looking at body image perceptually is where appraisals and images on the body shape and size are constructed the cognitive aspect of body image looks at bodily experience and beliefs one has about their body image. Cash & Pruzinsky (2002) posit that dissatisfaction/ satisfaction and comfort/discomfort with attention to our appearance are looked at by the emotional aspect. In today’s society, the world over, individuals are surrounded by various cultures which impact the way they develop thinking about their body and how they feel about themselves. Body image can be influenced either negatively or positively depending on one’s cultural traditions which can also have an effect on an individual’s self-esteem (Fardouly, Diedrichs, Vartanian, & Halliwell, 2015).

Depending on how an individual’s traditions are emphasized, their surroundings can influence the building of a healthy body image and self-esteem or lack thereof. For example, the western culture generally has a high emphasis on body appearance and dieting. In today’s society retouching photos in a digital way is considered the norm which can influence one to have a negative body image. Nonetheless, cultures that celebrate and uphold a person’s body and whose traditions uphold what a person is capable of doing rather than their appearance may more effectively support the building of a positive body image (Cash & Pruzinsky, 2002).

One’s culture has the substantial potential to not only impact how an individual view’s their body image but also influence how they feel about themselves. It is therefore important to understand the way culture, traditions and our surrounding can have an impact on us to enhance self-esteem and positive image. When views about the body are negative, there is occurrence of body dissatisfaction which happens in cases of discrepancies in perceptions of ideal body and reality in assessment of a person (Cash & Szymanski, 1995; Grogan, 2008). The term ‘normative discontent’ was tailored by Rodin, Silberstein, and Striegel-Moore (1984) to bring an understanding that increased levels of body dissatisfaction is experienced more in the general women population. The same experience of dissatisfaction has increased in both male and female as stated by Cash, 2002a; Garner, 1997; Rodin, Silberstein, & Striegel-Moore (1984).

Over the years the internet has propelled the world into a digital age era where citizens globally are connected through various forms of social networking sites (SNSs) that includes Instagram, Facebook, You tube, Snapchat among others. Currently, Facebook is ranked as the most popular social networking platform worldwide. As of December 31, 2018, It had above 2.32 billion monthly users that were actively involved causing an increase of 9% in the number of users year over year (Statista, 2019).

Social media has the mechanisms to allow for immediate interactive and anonymous feedback which is usually unfiltered thus meaning that undoubtedly not all feedback will be positive, in fact, criticism is more rampant. The negative comments are usually harsh and excessive to an extent of offensive name calling and purposeful embarrassment. This could have serious effects on a person’s confidence to be so cruelly put down (Riccardi, 2013). Instagram and snapchat are examples of visual platforms that seek peer appearance approval through the monitoring of number of views, followers, likes and comparison with the rest. Selfie-holics can alter the way they look digitally i.e. photo airbrushing with the swipe of their finger, imperfection cover-up, whitening teeth among others to make their photos more appealing and attractive. Users on these platforms consider the higher the number of likes and followers one gets to be an indicator of achievement and popularity thus boosting one’s sense of self-worth and esteem. This creates appearance and competition associated pressure so that one’s peers can be outdone (Lewallen & Behm- Morawitz, 2016).

Social media can have either positive or negative effects on users’ body esteem depending on how it’s utilised. Perloff (2014) argued that users use the various platforms to gratify certain needs based on individual factors such as self-esteem that is low and depression. Social comparison is also seen as a factor that motivates people to make use of social media. It is important that further examination is conducted on potential relationships between motivation for media use, individual aspects and negative health outcomes due to increased utilisation of the social media (Prieler& Choi, 2014).

The role of media in creating a certain perception of beauty amongst young women is perhaps a reflection of societal, and particularly patriarchal, ideology of women and the body. As Wolf (1991) argues, it was historically believed that women who are considered beautiful have more advantages relating to their career, marriage and social mobility than those who are not. According to Baron (2005), based on their physical appearance, women are judged by this more than any other quality, hence more pressure for women to ensure they always appear attractive when presenting themselves to society in comparison to their male counterparts.

Its implication is that many women are affected by how they view themselves and start comparing their beauty with that of other women because of a society that views body image of women as central to their existence (Baron 2005). As a result, the pursuit of a societal acceptable thinking that media influences greatly the body image. Grabe et al. (2008) highlighted that, low esteem and dissatisfaction of the body image are often the consequence of consistent exposure to the notion of “ideal” bodies given by the media. Furthermore, reported issues of people with behavioural concerns and eating disorders are enhanced by dissatisfaction as well as low self-esteem.

The media can be considered a reflection of society thus playing a critical role in how the feminine body is perceived. Individuals who possess some level of authority as a result of their visibility in the media tend to reinforce this perception. Amongst many young women, this reinforcement of a specific type of idealised beauty is reflected on social media platforms where celebrities display and perform their perceptions of thinness and skin hue as elements of ideal beauty.

Sutton (2009) states that many young black South African women look up to these celebrities and model their behaviour accordingly to conform to the subtle dictates of celebrities regarding the body. Consequently, the idealization of these celebrities becomes an inspirational pursuit for many young women. The consistent exposure to certain kinds of body aesthetic in the media and precisely social media leads to an influence on perceptions of women and their body image (Menzel & Levine, 2011).

Over the last few years, online influencer’s (social media influencers) have become part and parcel of internet culture. Kenya has been part of this wave, with most of the content developers investing more in channels that are online therefore attracting more followers. In turn, many commercial brands have sought to partner with these creators in a bid to create resonant content that can reach key audiences. Currently in the social media environment the development of partnerships between influencers and brands is a unavoidable practise especially because there is need to come up with favourable associations by many brands (Odipo Dev, 2019).

In the case of influencing perception of body image, influencers of the various social media platforms have been known to endorse and review beauty products to their followers after partnering with big brands in order to increase purchase for instance Tracy Wanjiru who is also a media personality with a following of up to 117,000 followers promotes the use of a new Kenyan acne product for a flawless skin which she swears by without any evidence of her suffering from any skin conditions before. Vera Sidika on the other hand a Kenyan celebrity with a following of up to 1.2 million followers on Instagram, has perhaps been the most outspoken on the various body alterations she has undergone as well as lightening of her skin which she categorically claims has enabled her get more well-paying jobs than before and that body image is her business and brings in money for her. Considering the number of followers she has and the influence she asserts it’s therefore not far-fetched to deduce the amount of influence she has on the young female followers to follow suit and alter their body aesthetics and even offers a solution whereby she markets and sells her flat tummy tea on her social media pages as well in order to attain what they believe is real in connection to the body image.

Social media sites by their very nature can have an effect on the way individuals feel about themselves, however, Instagram tops the list on having an especially negative bearing on body image due to its focus on imagery. As of June 2019 Instagram, users in Kenya totalled to slightly over 1.3 million users which accounted for 2.6% of the entire population of these 45.9% accounted for women while 54.1% accounted for the male population. People aged 18-24 were the largest user group accounting for 580,000 individuals (NapoleonCat., 2019). Instagram reflects heavily on a culture that commodifies, objectifies and sexualises the human body. It also brings about unrealistic and unattainable aspects of the definition of beauty focused in this particular research study.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

In recent years the trend experienced in Western nations whereby many females concentrate highly on their body image and also the way they present themselves in the society is catching up in Kenya. Concerns with body image, especially among the youth and the middle aged is manifested through a variety of ways such as increased interests in exercising, keeping up with fashion trends, cosmetic surgeries that sometimes have unfortunate outcomes as well as dieting practices and the application of make-up suggests that young women are conscious of their body image.

Although not formally documented, it is common knowledge that some Nigerians, especially young females, suffer the same adverse effects of body image dissatisfaction documented in the Western countries, including eating disorders as in the case of bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa (Menzel & Levine, 2011).In an attempt to further improve their body image in a positive way, Kenyan citizens are doing other useful activities, including engaging in meditation, having adequate sleep as well as having a daily routine for moisturising, toning as well as cleansing. In turn, they are able to improve their body image since they have a positive outlook (Waswa, 2011).

The gradual increase in number of social media or online influencers, who are individuals on various social media platforms who have established credibility in certain aspects of day to day life and especially beauty trends in this context, have access to large audiences who follow them on these platforms in order to get information and advice on how they too can maintain their body image within the current trends. They range from celebrities to basically anyone in social media who can amass a large following that can prove to be attractive to those in business trying to sell off their products to an often trusting and vulnerable group of followers looking to improve their body image and be like the popular individuals they follow.

Most of the female university students in Nigeria are under a lot of pressure to keep in pace with celebrities they are following on Instagram. The academic performance especially problem solving and cognitive capacities as well as eating behaviours of a person can easily be affected by dissatisfaction of one’s body image. A lot of college students often get caught up in body image problems that are conflicting due to the body changes that they may be experiencing. If it’s not given adequate attention it may affect their school performance too due self-esteem that is affected by that situation. It may also bring lifestyle issues where most students have turned to “sponsors” to maintain the expensive lifestyle influenced by the instagram influencers.

Various studies have been conducted in connection to body image i.e. Sabik (2012) established a study on psychological well-being and body image targeting European American women and African American that were aging, Badero (2011) examined effects body image brought by the media, Kampf (2013) investigated on the processes of impacting body image by the social media and eating behaviours and Waswa (2013) examined the determinants of perceptions of body image among college students in Kenya. However, none of the study focused on the way social media influences body image among female university students. Therefore, this research made effort to bridge the gap by exploring the influence of Instagram on body image among female mass communication students of novena university.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

This study aimed at exploring the influence of Instagram on body image among female mass communication students of novena university.

It was guided by the following specific objectives:

To find out the consequences of instagram use on body image among female university students

To find out the effects of instagram on body image through social body comparison among female university students

To find out the adoption rate of instagram among female university students

To investigate the effect Instagram influencers have on body image of female university students.


1.4 Research Questions

The following research questions paved way for the research:

What are the consequences of instagram use on body image of female university students?

What is the effect of instagram through social body comparison on body image of female university students?

What is the adoption rate of instagram among female university students?

How do the instagram influencers affect body image of university students?


1.5 Hypothesis of the Study

Ho: Instagram have no significant influence on body image among female mass communication students of novena university

Hi: Instagram have a significant influence on body image among female mass communication students of novena university


1.6 Significance of Study

This study will be beneficial to various education and media stakeholders in the country once complete. The study will sensitize the parents and guardians on social body image concerns the female university students are exposed to and hence help advise them accordingly on how to cope.

The study would also be of benefit to university management especially departments dealing with mentoring of university students by offering with knowledge on social media influences body image among female university students and hence be able to mentor and advice the students on how to cope with pressure that comes with social media.

The findings of this study are expected to contribute to and reinforce already existing literature in regard to social media influences to body image among female university students which will be useful to scholars as a reference material when carrying out further research in similar study topic.

1.7 Scope of the Study

This study aimed at exploring the influence of instagram on body image among female mass communication students of novena university. The study specifically focused on consequences of instagram use, effects of instagram, adoption rate of Instagram and effect Instagram influencers. The study targeted female mass communication students of novena university and was carried out for three months. The study anticipated hindrances to information access relevant to facilitate the research process. Reluctance of the targeted respondents to share information due to the nature of this study since they feared that the information could be used to portray them negatively. The challenge was tackled by the researcher by acquiring an introductory letter from the University. The process meant to assure the respondents that there was confidentiality of information and that the research was for academic reasons purely.

1.8 Limitation of the Study

In the course of carrying out this study, the researcher experienced some constraints, which included time constraints, financial constraints, language barriers, and the attitude of the respondents. However, the researcher were able to manage these just to ensure the success of this study.

1.9 Definition of Terms

Body-image is a concept which defines how individuals (having an image that is positive or negative) feel, think and behave.
Instagram is an app known for social networking used to share videos and photos. Smartphone users share images with people who are connected via a ‘followers’ list.

Adoption Rate of instagram is the speed at which users begin to use instagram, service or function. This is commonly used to forecast and measure marketing results and internal changes

Instagram influencers are certain individuals who have the power to influence their followers to take a certain action

Social media are computer-mediated technologies that crate platform for career interest, ideas, information creation and sharing.

Body dissatisfaction is how one evaluates defined their own body in a negative subjective manner

Body esteem is the feeling of an individual physical appearance in terms of eyes, weight, fingernails, hair including other features attached to the way one looks.

Body comparison is the act where individual compare their body with the rest in terms of shape, size and physical appearance.
Celebrities are people who in a public and media attention have wide influence in a given society.


1.10 Organization of the Study

This research work is organized in five chapters, for easy understanding, as follows.

Chapter one is concern with the introduction, which consist of the (overview, of the study), historical background, statement of problem, objectives of the study, research hypotheses, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study, definition of terms and historical background of the study.

Chapter two highlights the theoretical framework on which the study is based, thus the review of related literature.

Chapter three deals on the research design and methodology adopted in the study.

Chapter four concentrate on the data collection and analysis and presentation of finding.

Chapter five gives summary, conclusion, and recommendations made of the study.

Chapter Five

Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

5.0. Overview

The general objective was exploring the influence of Instagram on body image among female mass communication students of novena university. It outlines the summary, conclusion and the recommendations of the study.

5.1 Summary of Major Findings

It contains the summary and interpretation of the major findings based as per the specific study objectives. The study aimed at exploring the effect of instagram on the body image among the university students.

The study sought to explore the consequences of instagram use on body image among female university students. The study found that use of instagram sometimes makes university students like they are missing out on new beauty and fashion trends, that the use of instagram has increased body image and weight bullying and that the use of instagram results to greater feelings of anxiety and depression due to body surveillance. Additionally, the study found that the use of instagram may lead to eating disorders and unhealthy dieting behaviours and enhances self-expression and self- identity of one’s body image and that most of university students rarely wake up during the night sometimes to check how many likes they have on a photo they posted during the day.

It further sought to establish the effects of instagram on body image through social body comparison among female university students. It revealed that the female students under study have occasionally changed their hairstyle/colour based on an instagram photo they viewed, and that social body comparison has made them change their mode of dressing. Moreover, the study established that most of university students have never been influenced by instagram to change themselves to subscribe to a particular body image ideal and that they haven’t increased exercise and gym sessions in a bid to look like an individual they are following on Instagram. The study also revealed that social body comparison hasn’t made university students to change their diet in major proportions.

Further, the study explored the adoption rate of Instagram among female university students. The study established that there is an in increase in adoption of Instagram among female university students, this increase is linked to the fact that everybody wants to be associated with affluence which is what many university students think instagram gives. The finding revealed that young women mostly feel like there is a need to look better and feel better than how they actually look and experience peer pressure among themselves pushing them to fit into a particular group “click”. The study also established that the adoption of instagram has been on the rise because it gives university students a platform to express themselves in terms of fashions, hobbies, showcasing their skills and even competition in the number of followers and likes one has on Instagram. It is also relevant noting that most female university students have instagram socialites as their role models hence are highly influenced by them.

The study sought to investigate the effect Instagram influencers have on body image of female university students. The study found that most of the university students have an increased desire to change their appearance after spending time viewing instagram influencers photos and that they are sometimes persuaded by Instagram Influencers to purchase beauty products. The study established that seeing edited and airbrushed bodies of instagram influencers can lower one’s self-esteem and that they have sometimes questioned themselves why their body doesn’t look like a particular instagram influencer. In addition, the study established that following Instagram Influencers doesn’t make university students feel that they do not fit the mould of society and that the students don’t feel obligated to fulfil a lifestyle that they are not comfortable with so as to be like an instagram influencer. Additionally, the study found that looking at photos of instagram influencers didn’t make the students feel any worse about their appearance after.

5.2 Conclusions

Based on the findings, there are minimal consequences of Instagram use on body image among female university students. It’s clear that the use of Instagram sometimes makes university students feel like they are missing out on new beauty and fashion trends and its use has increased body image and weight bullying. It was also established that use of Instagram leads to greater feelings of anxiety and depression due to body surveillance. In rare cases the use of Instagram leads to eating disorders and unhealthy dieting behaviours and sleeping challenges.

Social body comparison on Instagram among female university students has made some female university students occasionally change their hairstyle/colour based on an Instagram photo they viewed as well as their mode of dressing. Moreover, it’s clear that most of the university students have never been influenced by Instagram to change themselves to subscribe to a particular body image ideal. Cases of increased exercise and gym sessions among students in a bid to look like an individual they are following on Instagram are also minimal.
From the findings it’s clear that adoption rate of Instagram among female university students is on the rise. The findings also established that Instagram influencers have made most of the students have an increased desire to change their appearance after spending time viewing their photos mostly by persuading the students to purchase beauty products. It’s also clear that seeing edited and airbrushed bodies of Instagram influencers can lower self-esteem. Finally, it was also established that very few students felt obligated to fulfil a lifestyle that they are not comfortable with so as to be like an Instagram influencer.

5.3 Recommendations

The study recommends that fashion industry should acknowledge body dissatisfaction can be caused by putting pressure on women to become thin. The situation can result to appearance management behaviours so as to preserve the health of young women. Women are more targeted than men to maintain standards of beauty that not realistic.

The study also recommends that Fashion industry needs to social media is recognized more by young adult females and adolescent which could bring more benefits to marketers if when this population is reached. It is free to set up the account, therefore marketers should utilize the opportunity to reach out to clients of this category. In reality, consumers feel the pressure to promote positive body image that is positive.

Further the study recommends that marketers should emphasize utilizing models and Instagram influencers relates to the female university students. It becomes easier to reach out to the target market when realistic bodies of women are made use of. This motivates the students to maintain their health by avoiding physically impossible pressure as well develop effect of body satisfaction that is positive.

The study also recommends that the Instagram influencers and other industry professionals needs to put into consideration implications brought about by hashtags that assists in linking words and phrases into messages and images. Ideally, participation of students and demonstrate their natural selves is promoted by a hashtag made to promote the real beauty. Ripping down of stereotypes by industry professionals is also recommended and considers incorporating different body size and shapes in employment.

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