The Internal Control System And Fraud Prevention Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
This study examined Internal Control System and Fraud Prevention in Niger Mills Plc. The study employed survey research design and sampled three hundred and two respondents. Three hundred and two copies of questionnaires were distributed and only two hundred and thirty-five copies retrieved. Data were presented and analyzed using simple percentage method and tables. Hypotheses formulated were tested using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Analysis (PPCC). The result of the finding revealed that internal control system significantly relate to fraud prevention in Niger Mills Plc. It was also revealed that Internal Control System impact on the overall performance of management of Niger Mills Plc. It concluded that internal control and fraud prevention have a high influence on personnel need of the organization. The study recommended amongst others that internal control department must be closely involved at the management level where organization plan is formulated and information obtained about the direction of the organization.
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