The Investigation Into The Role Of Mass Media In The Promotion Of Business Activities Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
This research project is a comprehensive assessment on the role the mass media play in the promotion of business activities a case study of Felmor Nigeria Limited. It is true that in one time or the other certain aspects of mass media and business activities have separately been examine in some details, but none has been in depth in approach as this work, especially as they concern its role and impact as they concern the promotic of business activities of a company.
The introduction of mass media into business gese far beyond the assumption of it being what it is suppose to be. It is a strategy which can dent a firms public image and as well increase patronage and customers loyalty. The primary concern of this research paper therefore is to provide an insight and as well create on impact to all who are involved in mass media and also to the general.
Public who are the largest audience the research project is divide into five chapters, with chapter one dealing with brief introduction of the mass media and the part it plays in the promotional trend of business activities. Chapter two has a brief review on the previous literatures on mass media with respect to the promotion of business activities. Chapter three outlines the method adopted for the purpose of data collection and reasons of adoption. In chapter four, the data collection are presented, analyzed, and interpreted as to solve the problem stated in chapter one while summary, conclusion and recommendation form the basis of chapter five.
This work reviews the various phases of the mass media employment. Its purpose, its advantages, its cost as well as its proper administration.
It is hoped that the ward provides an adequate guide to readers and user wither to agree or disagree with the writer.
This research is intended extensively make findings on the role of mass media on the promotion of business activities using FEIMOR NIGERIA LIMITED as a case study. It is a generally and historically account and analysis on this roles and will address issues such as the relationship between the business environment and the mass media the nature of the contemporary system of mass media in business organization or activities as well as its roles in the process of transformation and promotion of business activities.
John downing argues that it is a non-sensical to examine mass media in a vacuum or Vice Versa to investigate business activities economic or historical process without also taking into occurs mass media instead. The promotion of business activities in all it’s facts.
The research work is a first attempt to present some of the tread with a mass media dimension in the promotion of business activities. The emphasis is on mass media and how it promotes the business activities, by which I mean, for the present purpose the traditional media form of broadcasting and the traditional media lesser extent the internet.
More mention will be made of magazine, cinema, hand bills and everyday communication such as meetings graphics, etc. while all of these doubts. Offer much interesting material the scope of this paper is not sufficient and such shall be left future work.
For an advertising message to get to the right at the time, an effective advertising media becomes necessary. No matter how well the message may be. If it cannot get to the target evidence as at when needed that advisement may be regarded as a waste.
Adverts and promotional message cannot get to where they are needed that is the target evidence on there own, what enables those message to reach there destinations and achieve there aims what is called the media.
This study therefore has been carried out to explore the roles of mass media in the promotion of business activities.
For time long ago, business men and woman have resorted to different methods of letting prospective buyers, know of their products or gods whether oral, written or dramatized they all spell out mass. So mass media has taken effects right from hundreds of years ago. We can say that mass media started as soon as man knew what buying and selling was all about.
Again, this study was carried out to clearly state the part played by mass media in the promotional trend of business activities.
As no research work without problems, so it with this work the problem encountered in the process of writing or carrying out the research work include.
1. Inability of media house to act as one taking in something that effects him or her directly in a special way of delegation in which the subordinates gain control freedom of choice with respect to his or her responsibility.
2. Inability of the researcher to get adequate material information needed for the research from the media.
3. Problem of managers adopting leadership style which does not permit the participation of their employees in decision making.
4. Unavailable of adequate information sources, information on past related research work was limited.
5. The problem of poor unfavorable working conditions of employees is s noticeable attitude which points to an inherent problem within Nigeria mass media.
The study is aimed at
1. Reviewing the working conditions of the employees with a view of finding out it’s relationship with employees performance.
2. Determining how the media house justifies term of employment as regards fringe benefits salary review, health services etc.
3. To determine the degree of productitivity of employee in the media house.
4. Based on the findings, recommend possible ways of improving productivity through encouraging working condition.
5. To determine the suitable type of mass media as against business size.
The research question to ask are as follows.
1. How does the mass media aid in the promotion of business activities.
2. How does the mass media stop the vise of promotion in business activities.
3. How does the mass media course the shortage finance for student.
4. How does the mass media style effect employees performance.
The significance of this study is on it’s relevance of mass media to various managers to the firms, it will help the media house management discover ways in improving working conditions of their workers, such that the productivity of the worker can be improved.
The will help the organization reduce the wastage of time and other resources by the workers. The media house been a government establishment will through its recommendation help in achieving efficiency in their operations.
To the government this research work will give an insight into what is obtained in the house and help the government fashion out appropriate measures in managing it such that the establishment will run smoothly and efficiently and the national economic objectives will be achieved in the country. This is so because it is through these media house that the government is able to administer or direct and regulate the affairs of the country.
To academicians, this work is expected to form a basis for them to carryout further researches into his topic ”management of the mass media”
Apart from this, student will find an invaluable help in understanding the rudiment of communication from this research. They would be able to formulate their own relevant hypothesis relating to the topics they will be research into.
This research work is on the roles of mass media in the promotion of business activities. The research work in delimited to the staff of Felmor Nigeria.
Notwithstanding. The areas of the study covered during the research, the study was greatly affected by certain constraints which became inevitable with time limit.
a. Time Constraint:- The research was constraint by the time lag. This posed a serious threat to the successful completion of the study. Since data collected is partly by personal interviews, the people interviewed has limited time to attend to the research. In spite of this problem effort was made to collect data that helped this research.
b. Cost Factor:- It is not unusual that the prevailing economic predicaments posed a great problem in procuring the materials of information needed.
Notwithstanding with the forgoing limitation associated with this study, this project is well conceived and concluded to serve the purposes for which it is intended for.
MASS: The general public.
MEDIA: It is the means of communication.
SERVICE: It is the tangible aspect of business rendered to people or individual for patronage.
ADVERTISMENT: Is a process of oral or listeness or views to stimulate desired responses, which is the demand for the product.
MASS MEDIA: Is a term used to denote a section of the media specifically envisioned and designed to reach a very evidence such as the population of a nation is state.
ACTUAL BUYER: It is when any tangible object or item offered to the entire public is been given at a particular price to a particular person.
PROSPECTIVE BUYERS: They are those that are assumed that would have gotten the product or buy the product.
TARGET AUDIENCE: It is the means of prospective actual buyers.
Title page
Approval page
Table of content
1.1 Background of the study 2
1.2 Statement of the problem 3
1.3 Objective of the study 5
1.4 Research question 6
1.5 Significance of the study 6
1.6 Scope of the study 8
1.7 Limitation of the study 8
1.8 Definition of terms 9
2.0 Review of related literature 11
2.1 Introduction 11
2.3 Types of media channels 13
2.4 Media channel and business size 14
2.5 Effects of mass media on public ` 16
2.6 Mass media and business promotion 17
2.7 Balancing of mass medial against advantages 17
2.8 Discussion in details the types of media radio 18
2.9 Television newsprint and electronic media 21
3.0 Research methodology 23
3.1 Introduction 23
3.2 Research design 23
3.3 Method of data collection 24
3.4 Population and sample size determination 26
3.5 Method of data analysis 27
4.0 Analysis and presentation of data 29
4.1 Introduction 29
4.2 Data presentation 29
4.3 Data analysis 31
5.0 Summary, conclusion and recommendation 37
5.1 Introduction 37
5.2 Summary of findings 37
5.3 Conclusion 38
5.4 Recommendation 49
References 41
Appendix 42
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