The Manpower Planning As A Management Tool For Organizational Growth And Development Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
1.1 Background Of The Study
The effective development of organization and nation depends on the extent which its manpower is developed and utilized in the economic sense, managerial include scientific, technological and other skills, which are employed in creating, designing and developing the organization. Therefore, one can say that manpower is the only dependable resources of any organization resourced and these constitute the number of people, hours of work and there capacity of productivity level in a general corporate objectives expressed in manpower requirement, its relates to the internal and external labour market.
According to Nancerish and Glueck 1883 manpower planning and development is the process which help to provide adequate human resources to achieved future organizational objectives, thee indicates forecasting future needs for employees of various types comparing these need with the various work force and determining the numbers and types of employees to be recruited or phase out of the originations employment group. According to Appleby (2013) manpower planning seeks to maintain and improve an organization ability to achieve corporate objectives by developing strategies which are designed to increase the present and future contributions of manpower. Manpower is operationally defined as the entire workforce of the organization put together to achieve the organization goal. Manpower planning entails ensuring that there is the right number of skill available at the right time at each level in the hierarchy. My interest in this topic lays in the fact that, if manpower is effective as what the meaning portrays then why do we still have cases of banks going and folding up, failed cries in management not being able to meet up with the fast growing technological growth etc which brings us to the historical background of the study.
1.2 Statement Of Problems
Although manpower planning and development is important to every society, its limitations also need to be appreciated because it is ironically one of the most criticized concepts the criticism stem, from the fact that the government of Akwa Ibom State have failed to realized or take cognizant of the pivotal role of manpower planning as a management tools for organization growth and development which of course is a vehicle that speed up the economics of any state or nation.
Furthermore, manpower which is the human side of the concept of management is adequately healthy and society needs. These has constituted a kind of hindrance of incentives, inappropriate manpower requirement need various department defectiveness of manpower resources and lastly the adequate care for employee welfare in terms of safety transportation, health, accommodation and social need must be looked into in order to achieve organizational goals and objectives.
1.3 Purpose Of The Study
Since manpower needs are to be tapped for the realization of organization growth and development, the purpose of the study are as follows:
To identify the basic of manpower planning and development at the management level in Keystone Bank, Uyo
To examine the concept of manpower planning and development at every level in Keystone Bank.
To identify the prospect of manpower planning and development in Keystone bank.
To make out possible solution to some problems that affect manpower planning.
To determine the benefit that could help (consist) the keystone bank make used of proper recording of the book of account.
To identify the associated problems and often meaningful suggestion for improvement.
1.4 Research Question
What are the basic of manpower planning and development at the management level in Keystone Bank Uyo?
What are the concept of manpower planning and development at every level in Keystone bank?
What are the prospect of manpower planning and development in Keystone bank?
1.5 Research Hypothesis
Ho: Manpower Planning and development does not have basic at the management level of Keystone Bank, Uyo.
Hi: Manpower Planning and development have basic at the management level of Keystone Bank, Uyo.
Ho: There are no concepts of manpower planning and development at every level in Keystone bank, Uyo.
Hi: There are concepts of manpower planning and development at every level in Keystone bank, Uyo
Ho: There are no prospects of manpower planning and development in Keystone bank, Uyo
Hi: There are no prospect of manpower planning and development in Keystone bank, Uyo
1.6 Scope Of The Study
It is obvious that research work is to access manpower planning as a management tools for organization growth and development. For this reason it was to be limited to just a particular bank. Consequently the research area is actually confined to Keystone bank Uyo, Akwa Ibom State.
This study deals with the manpower planning as a management tools for organization growth and development as it affect Keystone bank, Abak road, Uyo.
1.7 Limitation Of The Study
In order to investigate the impact of manpower of the operational efficiency and the achievement of organizational growth and development. This research is also limited to Keystone bank Abak road, Uyo. The study could not be carry out by the researcher due to some contingency problem, which includes: the time allocated to this research work which is limited to the researcher, base on other academic engagement and the researcher also found it insufficient to get research materials because of lack of finance.
1.8 Significance Of The Study
This research is significant as it aims at making useful suggestion through which the problem of manpower planning and development could be solved. Also it will enable every managers in the bank industry to know how easy efficient and intensively manpower planning and development cannot be when it is well planned organized and effected in the development programme of the organization. It is also an opportunity for the researcher to conduct an independent research base on both oral and empirical data.
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