The Marketing Strategy For An E-Business Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
The purpose of this thesis is to find right entry points for Small and mediume–zise en-terprise (SMEs) entering an online market in Kenya. The recent information in Kenyan market shows that number of business are not meeting their objective goals if they stay in their traditional way of doing business despite of competition and as well customers or consumers are into online as a result of internet penetration in this economy. After the introduction of the internet, there is still a shortage of knowledge of e-business market strategies that could enable prospective companies to do business in Kenya. This study seeks to explain B-to-B online business in Kenya and identify access routes which SMEs can explore. Considering the weight of B-to-C as target point for many e-businesses, this study also took an elaborate view on this segment.
The qualitative method of research was used in this study; whereby, online question-naires with questions was sent to existing business in the Kenyan market. In this study, a scientific approach was also used in order to improve validity and credibility of sources of data. Results show that there is increasingly e-business activity in the Kenyan market and companies have had to blend traditional ways of doing business to the mod-ern internet supported approaches. The study aims to bridge an existing knowledge gap by offering possible recommendations for future use by SMEs targeting online business in Kenyan market. Target strategies will be discussed as in a real e-business practice, compared to theoretical part.
This chapter introduces the Marketing Strategy For An E-Business and its relevance, states the research problems, research questions, and objectives, provides a background of the study, and should also include the research hypothesis.
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