Problems And Prospects Of Marketing Of Agricultural Produce In An Economy

(A Case Study Of Aniocha South L.G.A Delta State)

4 Chapters
53 Pages
5,983 Words

Marketing agricultural produce within an economy encompasses a diverse array of challenges and opportunities that intersect with economic, social, and environmental factors. In many instances, smallholder farmers face hurdles such as limited access to market information, inadequate infrastructure, including transportation and storage facilities, and fluctuating market prices. Additionally, issues such as post-harvest losses, caused by poor handling and storage techniques, further exacerbate the difficulties faced by farmers in maximizing their profits. However, amidst these challenges lie promising prospects, including the adoption of innovative marketing strategies, leveraging technology for market access, and strengthening value chains through collaboration among stakeholders. Embracing sustainable practices, such as organic farming and fair trade initiatives, not only enhances marketability but also contributes to environmental conservation and social equity. Furthermore, government interventions through supportive policies, investment in infrastructure, and capacity-building programs can significantly alleviate the constraints faced by agricultural producers, fostering a conducive environment for the sustainable marketing of agricultural produce and contributing to economic growth and food security.


The objective of this study was conducted to identify some essential date development for the government of poor marketing facilities in an economy.
The population for this study was drawn from four towns in Aniocha South Local Government Area. The design adopted was interviewed and personal observation between the workers and villagers. This was done to get the area equally represented. The points considered include the assessment of the nature of road network, the storage facilities assessment of the knowledge of price system in marketing their product, and findings their level of education.
The information for this work was collected from the questionnaire distributed to the study group. The return was 100 out of 100 (100%). The frequency distribution table was used in the data analysis.
The result obtained after analysis of the data revealed, than the marketing of agricultural products in Aniocha South Local Government is faced with a lot of marketing problems.


Acknowledgement Sample
Dedication Sample

Chapter One
1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background Of The Study
1.2 Statement Of Problem
1.3 Research Question
1.4 Purpose Of Study
1.5 Significance Of The Study
1.6 Scope Of The Study
1.7 Limitation Of Study
Chapter Two

Chapter Three
3.0 Methodology

3.1 Design Of Study
3.2 Sources Of Data Collection
3.3 Primary Sources:
3.4 Secondary Sources:
3.5 Area Of Study:
3.6 Population And Sampling Technique
3.7 Research Instrument
3.8 Method Of Data Collection
3.9 Method Of Data Analysis

Chapter Four
4.0 Presentation And Analysis Of Data

4.1 Testing Of Hypothesis



Agriculture is as old as the history of man. The history of the development of marketing process is also as old as the division of labour and consequent need is indulge in exchange of production between one man and another.
In the older days, agricultural output were marketed by barter method. But as time went on coins, cowries were introduced and used as medium of exchange wiping out the clumsy trade by barter. Not long paper money was introduced. Producers had to travel big distance to make sales. Communication was made through path rods. With the coming of European in Nigeria the economy saw a new change. Both agricultural and industrial products were encouraged, though emphasis was more on export crops.
Agriculture is the main stay of the economy. Now there has been a revolution in agriculture in which the military government is now facing people back to farming. The problem is that demand for food is more than supply even though the supply for agriculture products are at a low level, some communications that would have been alleviated of the problem encounter difficulties in marketing of their farm yields. One thing is to produce items and other things are to market it effectively to the final users.

This study is meant to find out the problems encountered in marketing of agricultural products. The case of Aniocha South Local Government Area. Aniocha South Local Government Area which the researcher is studying like most agricultural producing areas. Delta State is faced with a lot of marketing problems.
There ranges from the following factors.
1. Poor transport facilities
2. Inadequate Storage Facilities
3. Lack of Education
4. Lack of complete autonomy on the part of the government in discharging its monetary functions effectively to back up agriculture in our economy.
5. lack of co-ordination in major problem and unbecoming activities of the government in fueling inflationary pressures in the economy. Good marketing facilities in Nigeria seems to be relatively low. As a result it is important that this study is undertaken to investigate the genesis of this problem and then make suggestion to improving them.

1. To what extent can transport facilities hinder the marketing of agricultural products?
2. What effect would level of illiteracy effective marketing of agricultural product?
3. Does epileptic pricing policy hamper agricultural development?
4. Do you have farms multi-purpose co-operative society in your area?
5. Explain what ways animals are useful to man?
6. What do you understand by the term agricultural?
7. What are the three ways of good management which can improve agricultural farmers?
8. What are the main points of difference between shifting cultivation and crop rotation?

In the light of the native of this problems of marketing of agricultural products the following objectives are mapped out.
1. To assess the nature of road net works.
2. To determine the storage facilities with a view to ensuring acceptable standards.
3. To assess the knowledge of price system in marketing of their products.
4. To find out the education level of the farmers.
5. to examine, the various monetary instruments or tools used by the agricultural and appraise their effectiveness.
6. To identify the factors hindering the realization of prospects of marketing of agricultural product in an economy.
7. To make recommendation for effective improvement of the system.

This research is centered on Aniocha South Local Government Area through, not completely exhaustive, it will save as a good background for those intending to carry out further work on this other related topics.
The research of this study will have the following significance.
1. It will enable the researcher ascertain the problems involved in marketing if agricultural products in an economy, especially in Aniocha South Local Government Area.
2. Aniocha South Local Government Area and other local governments will also know some of the problems hindering effective marketing of agricultural products.

This study was conductsed using farmers in Aniocha South Local Government Area. This research boarders in identification of the root causes of the present problems of marketing of agricultural product in on economy especially Aniocha South Local Government Area of Delta State which is the researchers area of stud.

Delta collection in particular and the research as a whole was not smooth as expected. This attributed to many foreseen and unforeseen problems. One of such problems include the uncooperative attributed to many foreseen and unforeseen problems. One of such problems include the uncooperative attribute of some respondents. They did not understand the relevance of the study and through that the government was trying to collect names of taxable adults. So this made the reliability of information supplied by some respondents doubtful. There was also the problem of bureaucratic redbapism especially with the various planning agencies from which information were sought. Some of the information regained by the researcher could not be supplied as they term than top secret. This also affected the research in some ways.
Lastly, limitation by factors of time and finance, the limited time at the researchers disposal did not allow for choosing a large sample or even study the population. This also limited extend to which the research findings could be generalized. Finance plays a vital role in any research work. As and individual and above all a student, the researcher was financially handicapped, this also affect the research.

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Problems And Prospects Of Marketing Of Agricultural Produce In An Economy:

Marketing of agricultural produce in an economy is a critical component of the agricultural sector and the overall economy. It involves the process of getting agricultural products from the farm to the consumer, and it encompasses various activities such as production, processing, transportation, storage, and distribution. However, like any other economic activity, marketing of agricultural produce comes with its own set of problems and prospects. Here, we’ll explore both aspects:

Problems of Marketing Agricultural Produce:

  1. Infrastructure and Transportation: Insufficient transportation infrastructure, poor road networks, and inadequate storage facilities can lead to post-harvest losses. Farmers often struggle to get their produce to markets in a timely and cost-effective manner.
  2. Market Information: Lack of access to timely and accurate market information can lead to price volatility and farmers not getting the best prices for their produce. Farmers may also face information gaps regarding consumer preferences and demands.
  3. Middlemen and Intermediaries: Middlemen often dominate agricultural markets and may exploit farmers by offering low prices for their produce and charging high fees for their services. This can result in reduced income for farmers.
  4. Quality Control and Standards: Ensuring consistent quality and adhering to international food safety standards is a challenge for many small-scale farmers. Meeting these standards is often costly and requires investment in technology and training.
  5. Seasonal Price Fluctuations: Agricultural produce prices can be highly volatile due to seasonal variations in supply and demand. Farmers may suffer from low prices during periods of oversupply and high prices during shortages.
  6. Access to Credit: Many small-scale farmers lack access to credit and financial services, making it difficult for them to invest in their farms, improve production techniques, or adopt new technologies.

Prospects of Marketing Agricultural Produce:

  1. Technological Advancements: Advances in technology, such as mobile apps and online platforms, enable farmers to access market information, connect directly with consumers, and streamline their supply chains.
  2. Value Addition: Processing and value addition to agricultural products can enhance their market value. Farmers can explore opportunities to turn raw produce into processed goods like jams, juices, or dried fruits.
  3. Government Support: Governments can play a pivotal role in supporting agricultural marketing through policies, subsidies, and infrastructure development. Initiatives like farmers’ markets and direct procurement from farmers can improve their access to markets.
  4. Global Markets: Expanding access to global markets can open up new opportunities for farmers. Exporting agricultural produce can lead to higher prices and increased income.
  5. Consumer Awareness: Growing consumer interest in organic, locally-sourced, and sustainable products presents an opportunity for farmers to market their produce in niche markets.
  6. Cooperatives and Farmer Groups: Collaboration among farmers through cooperatives and farmer groups can help them negotiate better prices, share resources, and collectively address marketing challenges.

In conclusion, marketing of agricultural produce in an economy has its share of challenges, but there are also significant prospects for improvement and growth. With the right infrastructure, technology, and support systems in place, farmers can enhance their income and contribute to the overall economic development of a nation.