Role Of Public Relations In Improving International Trade

A Case Study Of Eleganza Plastic Industry Onitsha

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Chapter One

We all believe in communication we also say that any management which endorses good communications in house and externally in enlightened why anyone should be regarded as enlightened in simply propagating and explaining their own policy or point of view escapes the researcher. As Henry James put it must be panthers to work in the dark or pursuing a restless hidden train of thought to hide your light under a bush.
Public relation as on of the marketing promotional tools (promo tools) is now an important part of modern business management is not realized this is because Pr is often suspect and is equated in the eyes of some members of the public with an attempt to deceive to “pull the wool over our eyes yet this is the very opposite of its real purpose which is to explain that which may not be fully apparent and to remove prejudice and understand based on ignorance of the facts.
In the highly competitive world in which we however it is not enough merely to be virtuous one must be seen to be virtuous. PR takes account of this need to focus public attention on all the favour able aspects of a company’s activities. By so doing it endeavours to create a good climate of opinion in which the organization can pursue its legitimate aims.
The task of PR therefore is to ensure that that the organization is seen to have an effective and valuable influence upon the well being of the trade or industry in which it operates. A good public image is not something that occurs accidentally it requires conscious effort and that effort needs to be channeled to be effective.
Good PR is synonymous of communications media especially the press radio and television. This study attempt looking into the problems that hinder the utilization of PR at the inter national marketing level by focusing on multination and exporters in Nigeria it is done in the light of the fact that that face of the world is changing rapidly and with it the tasks of the marketing executive.
For the modern business organization public relations role is often viral this is because it is as much apart of management as human resources management or financial management. But it should objective only well-managed public relations activities” as was stressed by Dr. Nwosu.
We can probably al think of organizations which manage their PR well. They are the organizations we trust and are familiar with which we fell comfortable and would want to do business for a marketing executive the interesting question is how do these organization with respect and convene people that they are organization to support? Dr Jon white will simple tell you that performance is part of answer by this answer we can decipher that people will go back to organization which have proven then selves and their products and service reliable. But there is more support at time of crisis because it has failed to build and sustain important relationship for occasion when they are needed.
Attempts also will be made to explore the ways in which PR is used to establish and selves and their products and service reliable. But there is more support at time of crisis because it has failed to build and sustain important relationships for occasions when they are needed.
Attempts also will be made to explore the ways in which PR is used to establish and maintain relationships in international business. Relationships do not necessarily develop along satisfactory lines rather their development has to be managed to support the interests objectives aspirations products and services of the organization in recent years multinational and exporter companies in Nigeria are increasingly doing business with overseas partners and associates in their national image aboard the implication is that they are compelled to deal with people of different nationalities language customs senses of value social and economic view the question that may arise from this is how do they win the support of all there people (public)
PR as a mean of marketing communication pervaded all aspects of our socio-economic life the meaning is conceived by various organizations in different ways.
Some organization conceived the meaning from functional point of view as image maker or hidden persuader and so on. However in this particular contest the purpose of all that is labeled PR is to influence the relevant public opinion or attitude at the international marketing level in such a positive direction as to ensure good will and mutual understanding in order to achieve the marketing concept objectives.
Finally the approach to public relations adopted in this study is intended to be practical and to provide multinational and exporters in Nigeria with guidance towards making proper decisions regarding effective management of international marketing activities.

There are so many problems facing international marketing all over the world in general and Nigeria in particular from the recent happenings can decipher that these problems have been preventing international marketing from optimizing its goal of earning sufficient foreign exchange which enhances the per capital income and national reserve of the country.
When we look around the world we can see the fast changing economic political and social climate every country (nation) wants to succeed to be hard to be seen to be involved in one reasonable thing or another in order to succeed we can see the former union soviet socialist republic (USSR) disintegrating towards capitalistic reform south North Korea going towards industrial cum scientific revolution south African towards transitional programme that will account what its own limited resources it must gain their co-operation. There is need to get other nation to know more about US what we are doing and what we have to offer.
In the face of the global economy today it is on record that Nigeria is rated to be thirteenth (13th) poorest country in the world the great giant of African most foreign countries are scared to do business with Nigerian. Again we have the current “419” syndrome which is making us look dreadful to our foreign visitors and prospective business associates. The political instability in the country does not help matters. According to recent report by Sunday mail overseas suppliers have reduce level of shipments of automotive component to Nigeria customers as fear has griped them that the present political crisis can lead to civil unrest.
The question that might be asked is what are mutational and exporters in Nigeria doing all these problems how are they coping in the face of all these problem?
In the modern business activities especially in the international marketing scene there is so much competition and wary. This made it necessary for the need to get other people to know what one is doing communication activities consists of using various elements in a planned balanced and systematic way in order to achieve objectives. Therefore public improve/ increase mutual understanding with the relevant publics will be desirous when an organization find its kind of situation but first and for most the scale festivity to promote good public relations may vary considerable according to the size and nature of the interested parties but the philosophy the strategy and the method adopted here is designed to influence international understanding to improve relation between a company and its customers agents and employees abroad.
Kanu Offonary pointed that the common denominator achieving this objective is public relation which is best defined as the business of creating and maintaining public understanding and support through effective communication.
Sam Black a renewed British author of PR Suns it up by saying that the purpose of public relations practice is to establish two-way communications seeking common ground or areas of mutual interest and to establish understand based on truth knowledge and full information’s while the international public relation association (IPRA) defines PR as the art and social science of analyzing trends predicating their consequences of action which will save the public interest. This IPRA definition is of much interest because it emphasizes research the analysis of trend and the predication of their consequence. This should most often be adopted because preventive PR as meaning a process by which organizations effectively interact communicate and mutually adapt to its key public these definitions are not exhaustive but most relevant to this study.

The main objectives of this study are as follows
a. To determine the level of awareness among multinational and exporters in Nigeria of the international PR strategies and practices.
b. To determine the extend of their knowledge and application of international PR in the their marketing activities.
c. To determine the problems encountered by them in the application of international PR techniques and strategies in international marketing.
d. To determine the attitude of these multinational and exporter towards the application of international PR in international marketing
e. To determine or measure the level of their knowledge of international political issue and problems.
f. To determine their knowledge and attitude to know how international PR an help them overcome these international political problems in their business
g. To make appropriate recommendations

This study will be carried out in Nigeria the study will be limited to multinational and exporters whom the researcher presume have more international dealings and connections.
The study will concentrate in Enugu urban which has the greatest number of multinational and exporter in country

1. Exporters: Those who engages sales of a country’s good and services overseas.
2. international marketing: The performance of business activities that direct the flow of a company’s goods and services to consumers or user in more than one nation or across the national boundaries of a country.
3. IPR: This means international public relation and is used when dealing with other nations or across the boarder PR.
4. Multination: This is a company which maintains assets in an overseas territory and is actively involved in sale of product or service in overseas markets.
5. PR: This is the short form of writing public relations and is widely used by most writers authors.

The age old marketing system as noted in production concept that consumers will favour those product that are widely available and low in cost has gone such system these days will be suicidal. Country or state or organization with the best available technology in the world with still needs the good will and mutual understanding or others to survive the adage no man is an island holds here.
No country or organization can be self sufficient in everything even when such count or organization is sound economically she still needs people to talk good of her to relate favourable with her and so on. The Nigerian business image today has been battered and needs great face lift. This can be resuscitate though a management functions of a counting and planned character up- uftment though public and private organization individuals and institution who will seek to win and retain the understanding sympathy empathy and support of these with whom we are and may be concerned with now and in the future.

A very serious limitation was the university academic programme which was a demanding as work on this research and thus could not be pushed aside.
Also the researcher encountered some other problems in carrying out this research such as the prevailing economic political and social unrest in Enugu urban when the work was done.
Again the available time and fund weren’t enough to permit the researcher to extend the investigation to more areas than the one covered.

Table of Contents

Cover page
Title page
Approval page

Background to the study
Statement of problem
Working definition
Objective of the study
Scope of the study
Definition of terms
Significance of the study
Limitation of the study

Review of related literature

Design of the study
Source of data
Population of the study
Sample and sampling technique
Research instrument
Questionnaires administration and response
Treatment of data

Presentation analysis and interpretation of data
Summary of finding

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