Social And Economic Benefits Of Workers In Industrial Cooperative

(A Case Study Of Inyaba Cooperative Farms Ltd Anambra State)

Industrial cooperatives, comprising groups of workers jointly owning and managing their enterprises, yield significant social and economic advantages. From a social perspective, these cooperatives foster a sense of community and solidarity among members, promoting democratic decision-making processes and empowering individuals within the workforce. Moreover, they contribute to social cohesion by addressing local needs and prioritizing equitable distribution of resources. Economically, industrial cooperatives enhance job satisfaction and stability, leading to higher productivity and innovation. By prioritizing fair wages and equitable distribution of profits, they mitigate income inequality and promote financial inclusion. Additionally, industrial cooperatives often prioritize sustainable practices, fostering environmental stewardship and resilience in the face of economic fluctuations. Through their participatory and sustainable approach, industrial cooperatives not only empower workers but also contribute to broader socio-economic development.


Title Page
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Table of content



1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Objectives of the study
1.4 Research question
1.5 Significance of the study
1.6 Scope of the study
1.7 Limitations of the study
1.8 Definitions of terms


2.1 Historical development of workers cooperative
2.2 Objectives of inyaba cooperative farm
2.3 Sources of funds
2.4 Social benefits of workers in industrial coo-operatives
2.5 Problem of workers in industrial cooperative
2.6 Major activities of workers in industrial cooperative


3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research Design
3.3 Sources/methods of data collection
3.4 Population and sample size
3.5 Sampling Technology
3.6 Validity and reliability of measuring instruments
3.7 Methods of data analysis


4.1 Introduction
4.2 Presentation of data
4.3 Analysis of data
4.4 Interpretation of results


5.1 Introduction
5.2 Summary of findings
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Recommendation


Workers cooperative is an enterprise in which workers share in the profits and it is a business in which the workers retain a majority control of the enterprise control is exercised democratically on the basis of one person, one role, Membership is open as far as possible to all workers and there are limit on the return to capital invested in the enterprises.
Over the years, capital; has hired lab our and treated it like an expendable factors of production same as any other factor, capital has explored labour and subjected it to the imperialism of profit maximization capital has claimed all the authority and all met profit while disclaiming full liability for the debts of he enterprise incase of liquidation. But now, Worker want all that to change these days there was change, labour will live capital. A famous co-operative maxim says” Labour hires capital, in the new workers ownership capital will not be divided into equity share because if will be owned collectively.
Examples are producing durable goods and nourishing goods, additive free goods not highly processed snack adopting methods, of production devoid of polluting effects, refusal to produce war related material or to deal with government practicing, racial segregation.
These workers industrial cooperatives have social objective as well as economic objectives.
They won’t out man at the centre of business, they place democratic control and the nature of the product before profitability. They employ technology that is friendly to the environment. As long as the enterprise can cover its costs and break even they fell free, to pursuer their social objectives. The capital assets of an industrial cooperative should be jealously guarded. It should maintain intact and progressively expanded and developed facilities. The aim should be to catch up with completing capitalist out lifts in terms of capital base. With drawing members should be required to leave their share capital behind. If members decided to dissolve their society, it should not be in order to share them asset.
Both the lam should absolutely forbid the saving of the net assets among member upon dissolution. Net assets should rather be transferred to another workers in industrial co-operative.
Workers in industrial co-operative to ameliorate the hardship especially the poverty of the working people with a view to increase their social order that ensure the poorest members of the working class sufficient wellbeing for feature would be to expensive for the people to bearing for instance it could generate permanent cynical apathy to government and society programme and alienation of the very low income group in economic activity. The idea of workers co-operative is a step, in the right direction especially in the face of harsh economic realistic resulting from the structural Adjustment programme (SAP)> this study, will therefore identify the objective role, possible problems prospects associated with the workers co-operatives, suggest remedies to the problems and make recommendation with a view to reforming the worker co-operative into achieving their stated objectives,

The history of cooperative development in Anambra state may be traced from its origin in Nigeria. It was in the early 1930’s that the agricultural development agents began to organize cocoa farmers in westerns Nigeria into small co-operative organizations.
Efforts were made between those periods to establish a co-operative division. This before it could long. An enviable and viable co-operative division was established. The division was formally under the ministry of local government, but through several resettlements and changes of government. It finally came through the ministry of commerce and industries.
The estate inherited a total number of 685 co-operative societies from the former Eastern state with membership of 15,155. As a result of individual desires and government encouragement coupled with the interest benefits desirable from the formation of co-operatives in the state has increased atomically to 2,757 which also increased membership of 86,812.
Through, the number of co-operative societies in the state has drastically reduced since the creation of Abia state. It will be necessary to know that the benefit of workers co-operative since the topic is social and economics benefits of workers in industrial co-operative. Workers in industrial co-operative it involved workers share in the profits and it is a business in which the workers retain a majority control of the enterprise control is exercised democratically on the basis of one person one rote-Membership is open as far as possible to all workers there are limit in the return to capital invest in the enterprises.

Problem why industrial workers do not enjoy their desire economic and social benefits.
1) Lack of solidarity among themselves: They sometimes cling to their independence in fear of the consequences of risk or change.
2) Lack of self- confidence of risk change: The workers do not believe that they can provide and maintain jobs fro themselves. In companies with the rich factory or industries owners in that area.
3) Ignorance of management and the complexity of business administration: in some cases the workers of the industries lack management skill. In order to acquire this, they must either undergo management training or live qualified managers either temporarily or permanently.
4) Inequalities among the worker in financial capacity: In power, rank of remuneration etc. may lead to friction because the workers are assumed to be equally. In this process, cliques may develop to destroy the consensus.
5) The general low level of education, technical training among industrial workers.

They work is designed to achieve the order listed objectives:
1) To find out the social and economic objectives of workers in industrial cooperatives of Inyaba co-operative farms ltd in Anambra state.
2) To find out the specific roles and activities performed by Inyaba co-operative farms since their inception
3) To identify the general problems militating against the smooth and orderly operation in Inyaba co-operative farms ltd
4) To know their prospects in the future having in mind the poor co-operative habit in Nigerian.
5) Finally to proffer recommendations that could be useful to the co-operative.

The research questions are:
a. Hoe many of the objective have been realized?
b. What are the efforts made by the various workers cooperative in Anambra state in educating the people about the immense benefit derived from workers in industrial cooperative?
c. What is the hindrance towards their effective performance in Nigeria?

This research tends to reveal the need and usefulness of co-operative societies in the social and economic benefits of workers in industrial cooperative. Its job cannot be over looked. Since they play a prominent role in price stabilization of agricultural product In the state.
Moreover, they determine the quality and price of products that entire the market so that products will market their products effectively. By so doing, they minimize the excessiveness of middlemen. In most states today particularly Anambra state where self sufficiency in the production of agricultural products is embarked upon by almost every household including the government, hence comes the need for the research work to enable both the header and the government at large to recognize the enormous role of cooperative go a long way to alleviate the current problem of food storage in Anambra state.

Undoubted the topic social and makes an interesting research work.
However, its through analysis could be inhibited by some unavoidable various prominent among which is time contracts. The research was carried out in line with normal academic works which made a more vivid grass roots researches findings highly difficulty. Apart from the fact that lecture schedules made it difficult to conduct desk interview were granted, one still had to go through the frustration or frustrating bureaucratic arrangement of the workers in question. Another problem that inhabited the conduct of the research project was the willingness and reluctance of the official of the Inyaba farm to disclose vital information even those them who were kind to grand interview answered to some question with reservation, therefore preventing one from knowing facts and finding concerning the farm.

As already explain the prevision sub leading, farm was numerous. Though great efforts was made to lift. All these impediments. The problem encountered can be divided into natured and man- made. The formal include the problem of time, age harrier the distance and problem involve in availability of adequate funds and the partial lack of current records on the parts of the society.
However, time available was limited when compared with the amount of work to be embarked on. This then required that, more effort will be made squeeze a lot of study into the available time. The problem of distance of the society to our school cannot be eliminated or bribe. So our only option was to make sure that if we transport ourselves to the society we must then strive to achieve a lot before training lack to school.
Moreover. Interesting to know all these problems made this study more challenging were taking came of happily. These entire problems mere squarely met. A lot of people involved in the project appreciated these entire problem and did their almost to help.

INDUSTRIAL CO-OPERATIVE: this is a type of co-operative that result from the facts that over the years capita; has turned labour and has treated it till an expendable factor of production.
CAPITAL: This is any amount set aside for investment.
WORKERS CO-OPERATIVE: This can be defined as a business owned and controlled by the people who work in it.
SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC BENEFIT: These are returns or profit a progressive entity offers to the society as well as its members.

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Social And Economic Benefits Of Workers In Industrial Cooperative:

Industrial cooperatives, often referred to as worker cooperatives, are businesses that are owned and managed by their employees. These cooperatives can provide a range of social and economic benefits to their workers and the broader community. Here are some of the key benefits:

1. Job Security:

  • Workers in industrial cooperatives often have more job security compared to traditional corporations. Since employees are also owners, they have a vested interest in the success of the business, which can lead to a commitment to keeping the cooperative profitable and stable.

2. Employee Empowerment:

  • Worker cooperatives give employees a say in the decision-making process. This participatory management structure empowers workers to have a voice in how the business is run, leading to a greater sense of ownership and job satisfaction.

3. Wealth Distribution:

  • Profits generated by the cooperative are distributed among the worker-owners rather than being funneled to external shareholders. This can result in a more equitable distribution of wealth and income, reducing income inequality.

4. Financial Benefits:

  • Worker-owners receive a share of the profits, which can provide them with additional income. In some cases, worker cooperatives also offer benefits such as retirement plans and health insurance.

5. Job Creation and Retention:

  • Worker cooperatives often prioritize job creation and retention in their communities. They are less likely to engage in practices such as outsourcing or layoffs, as the focus is on providing stable employment for their members.

6. Local Economic Development:

  • Worker cooperatives tend to reinvest their profits in the local community, supporting local businesses and contributing to the overall economic development of the area.

7. Skills Development:

  • Worker-owners often gain a broader range of skills compared to traditional employees because they are involved in various aspects of running the cooperative, including management, finance, and decision-making.

8. Community Engagement:

  • Worker cooperatives are often deeply rooted in their communities. They frequently engage in community development initiatives and support local causes, fostering a sense of social responsibility.

9. Long-Term Sustainability:

  • Worker cooperatives tend to have a longer lifespan compared to traditional businesses. The cooperative model encourages a focus on long-term sustainability rather than short-term profit maximization.

10. Innovation and Creativity: – Employee-owners have a strong incentive to innovate and find creative solutions to business challenges. This can lead to increased competitiveness and adaptability.

11. Improved Working Conditions: – Since workers have a say in the management of the cooperative, there is often a greater emphasis on creating fair and safe working conditions.

12. Stronger Social Bonds: – Worker cooperatives often foster a sense of community and camaraderie among their members, as they are collectively invested in the success of the business.

Overall, worker cooperatives can contribute to a more equitable and socially responsible economy while providing their members with economic stability, empowerment, and a sense of ownership in the workplace. These benefits extend beyond the individual worker to the broader community, making industrial cooperatives a valuable and sustainable business model