Statistical Study Of The Market State Of Kwara Poly Pure Water And Its Conformance To People Specification

The Statistical Study Of The Market State Of Kwara Poly Pure Water And Its Conformance To People Specification Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)


This project deals with the statistical study of market state of kwarapoly purewater and its conformance to specification.

The data used in this project work was collected through personal interview of the vendors within the campus on attribute quality and the market state.

Attribute control chart (p-chart) and cause and effect diagram was employed to measure the conformance to specifications. Further analysis to determine the market state was based on comparism of two independent sample mean.

The result of the analysis shows that the process is out of control i.e the analysis on proportion defective shows that there is assignable cause of variation in the process. Furthermore, there is significance difference between the market state of kwarapoly purewater and other purewater products before.

Chapter One


1.1 Background of the Study

Instructional materials are variety of materials in various formats which influence student’s learning and instructors teaching which have evolved in recent years to include computer and VCR play /recorder technology, text books, pictures, transparencies, films, computer software, CDROMS, and electronic resources.

Varrella (2001) stated that several available instructional materials will serve their purposes if effectively accessed and effectively used. Instructional materials enhance effective and appropriate developmental experience quality of instruction, instructional methods and techniques.

There has been rapid expansion of Nigerian secondary education system in a bid to equip a good number of people with basic knowledge and skills, which will facilitate their interactions with members of the wider society. Awoyimi in Ugama (2000) attributes this rapid expansion to a number of factors which include. Politics, expansion of primary/secondary schools, government report on the need to increase the number of secondary schools, revision of the curriculum and the provision of science & technical education.

Before Nigerian independence, in 1960 and ten years after, there was what Government and the voluntary agencies could regard as joint management of secondary schools. After the civil war, however, the East Central State Government in 1970 passed the public education edict, which took over the control of secondary schools, in the state. Other states in the federation quickly followed suits. This culminated in what could be described as the dawn in rapid expansion in secondary education as many communities and wealthy individuals established secondary schools, which they handled over to various instructors, governments to manage.

However, education is a valuable tool for human development and improvement is seen by Durkheinn in Ugama (2000). It is a means of organizing the individual self and the social self, into a discipline, stable and meaningful being. Bebell etal (2004) states that education is the sum total of culture that a society deliberately gives its younger generation in order to qualify them and raise the level of improvement it has attained.

Educationists in the country have not relented in their effort to make sure that educational system and standards are maintained or reformed. This is done through the ministry of education or other government bodies. The introduction of 6 – 3- 3 – 4 system of education in Nigeria which was amended by 9 – 3 – 4 system as also stipulated in the National Policy on education (2004). These policies were aimed at enhancing qualitative education to the citizenry.

Consequently, education helps in the transmission of values, norms, and knowledge. From generation to generation. It takes individuals to be rational thinkers and also enhances their ability to critically evaluate issues. Through education, those in darkness always see the light of the day.

Because of the immense important of education, there is need for proper monitoring/supervision of educational activities in order to achieve the proper goals of education. The extent explained, is concerned with helping, directing, advising and guiding the subordinate in order to maximize his productivity. However, according to Nwaogu in Ugama (2000) he sees supervision as the process of bringing about improvement in instruction by working with the instructional materials to enable the teacher and the students to improve.

He maintained that it is a process of stimulating growth and means of helping teachers to help themselves. Viles in Ugama (2000) on his own part define instructional materials as the release of human potentials that make available a more competent teacher to conduct the human interaction that education. For effective education to be ensured, there could be taken to mean all efforts of designated school officials direct towards providing good leadership to teachers and other educational workers or educationalist in the improvement of instructural materials. Instructural materials involves stimulation of professional growth development of students and teachers, the selection and revision of educational objectives the instructional materials and methods of teaching and learning. However in recent times, as a result of some economic set backs and non-commitment by some teachers use of lecture method are mostly vogue which goes to negate the expected result.

Need for the use of instructional materials in the teaching and learning process

Instructional materials are the necessary materials that will aid and facilitate learning. These materials include charts, models, specimens, graphics, chemicals, monitor, keyboard, mouse, central processing unit. These can motivate students and serve as effective ways to explain and illustrate subject content. The instructional materials are needed in schools in order to improve teachers effectiveness ensure that teachers are performing their duties as expected. It is also targeted at the improvement of incompetent teachers and provision of guide for staff development. It aid in the determination of effectiveness of the teachers classroom management and determination of special abilities possessed by teachers.

Instructional materials are selected based on the principles of provision of accurate, well-written materials that will enrich and support the adopted curriculum, taking into consideration varied interests, abilities and maturity levels of the students served, provision of materials that will stimulate growth in factual and ethical standards. Provide a background of information that will enable students to make intelligent judgments in their daily lives.

In secondary schools, one observed uprightly abandonment of classroom by teachers for the market places or other business. This has given rise to the emergence of teacher-turned business people who hawk wares ranging from food items through shoes and bags of various designs during office hours. And as a result the time left for teaching will be reduced and there will be no enough time for the use of teaching aids in teaching.

Furthermore, apathy on the side of school authority and teachers had even gone to create a situation where even available instructional materials are not used in demonstration during teaching and learning in many schools today. For instance, in teaching of computer, learners are allowed to see the hard and soft wares without using them. In some cases, such instructional materials are not even displayed to the learners.

At school administrative level, the principal charged with the internal supervision of teachers leave much to be desired in terms of their responsibilities. Some of them lack the necessary human relation for effective leadership of subordinates. Such school leads often jettison the guidelines for materials issued by the relevant authorities in preference for methods guided by their personal interest than laid down specifications.

Government that is at the apex of co-ordination especially the relevant authorities does not help matters. The mathematics materials are sporadically carried out and when it is done. Principals and teachers as well make up deficiencies in their school by way of borrowing science apparatus to be returned to their original owners after supervisors has come and gone.

Instructional materials are indispensable tools in teaching and learning of mathematics. According to one Chinese proverb which says “what I hear I forget, what I see I remember, what I do, I know”.

Therefore, as a result of the on going, there is need to look at the statistical appraisal on the utilization and availability of instructional materials for teaching and learning of mathematics in secondary schools (a case study of oshimili south LGA of Delta state).

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The urge to embark on this research work was stimulated by the short comings in terms of academic standards in most of our educational institution especially in secondary schools.

The students would not have the opportunity to manipulate the requires equipments necessary for the programme, thereby making them not to be conversant with the materials. Lack of instructional materials leads to poor performance in examination and inability of the student to handle any instructional materials at his or her disposal after secondary school.

The study therefore wish to address the statistical appraisal on the utilization and availability of instructional materials for teaching and learning of mathematics in secondary schools (a Case Study Of Oshimili South LGA Of Delta State). Taking cognizance of the associated problems of teaching and learning.

1.3 Purpose of the Study

This study seeks to evaluate the statistical appraisal on the utilization and availability of instructional materials for teaching and learning of mathematics in secondary schools (a Case Study Of Oshimili South LGA Of Delta State).

The researcher’s work is designed to achieve some specific objectives as follows to:-

Ascertain the adequate instructional materials in teaching and learning of mathematics in secondary schools in Oshimili South L.G.A Of Delta State.

To find out the importance of instructional materials in teaching and learning of mathematics in secondary school.

To ascertain the extent use of instructional materials used in teaching and learning in secondary school.

To find out the problems militating against the extent use of instructional material in teaching and learning of mathematics in secondary school in Oshimili South L.G.A Of Delta State.

To ascertain the problems confronting secondary school teachers in the use of instructional materials in teaching and learning.


1.4 Research Question

The under listed are relevant research questions, which will help the researcher to actually evaluate the extent use of instructional material in teaching and learning of mathematics in secondary school in Oshimili South L.G.A Of Delta State.

They are as follows

Are there adequate instructional materials in teaching and learning of mathematics in secondary schools in Oshimili South L.G.A Of Delta State?

What is the importance of instructional materials in teaching and learning of mathematics in secondary school pupils?

To what extent does the use of instructional materials encourage active participation of pupils during the teaching and learning of mathematics?

What are the problems militating against extent of use of instructional material in teaching and learning of mathematics in secondary school in Oshimili South L.G.A Of Delta State?


1.5 Hypotheses of the Study

The following null hypothesis was formulated to guide the study.

The null hypothesis was tested at the alpha level 0.05 of significance.

H01: Teacher’s teaching experience is not a significant factor in mathematics teachers efforts at improvising and using of instructional materials for teaching and learning of mathematics

1.6 Significance of the Study

This research project should be of importance to several parties and this includes the teachers, the society, the students, the curriculum planners, future researchers on the subject matter.

The Teachers:

It improve the professional growth and development of teachers.

The Society:

Basic scientific education is established.

The Students:

It will increase the interest of learners in the learning process.

The Curriculum Planners:

It enables the curriculum planners to itemize the teaching period into suitable unit and be able to access a period during which a topic should be stop.

The Future Researchers:

Consequently, this study will be a bench mark for future researchers on the subject matter, as it will be a guide for future enquiry.

1.7 Scope of the Study

Like every research projects, this project has its scope and limits within which a verifiable, acceptable, efficient, effective and reliable solution to be problem being investigated can be founded and the defined population of study.
The scope of this study is delimited to teaching and learning of mathematics in Secondary School in Oshimili South L.G.A Of Delta State.

1.7 Limitation of the Study

Much is expected of this research work as the research hers intend, but they were faced with the following constraints:

The research period is limited and funds at their disposal was limited . Some materials needs in carrying out the study were not found on time. Some respondents showed negative attitudes towards the questionnaires.

1.8 Definition of Terms

Instruction Materials:

These are materials objects that aid teaching and learning more meaningful teachers use them to explain, illustrate and simplify concepts and ideas.

Learning Gadgets:

These are materials designed provided genuinely for the purpose of instructional usage overhead projectors, charts, textbooks, slides e.t.c

Financial Accounting:

It is the recording of day-to-day business transactions in a systematic manner.


Learning is relatively permanent change in behaviour as a result of exposure to conditions in the environment. It is also defined as acquiring knowledge or skills gained through study or by being taught (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary).


A person carrying out an investigation in order to discover facts or get additional information (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary).

Research Question:

Some hypothetical question raised by the researcher to help him carrying out the research.


A person who answers questions, especially is survey or questionnaire (Oxford Advanced Learning Dictionary).

1.10 Organizations of the Study

The chapter one consist of the introductory part of the study which includes the study background, the statement of the research problem, the study objective and scope of the study.

The second chapter is a critical review of other literatures relevant to the study and its objectives including the theoretical framework for the study. While the third chapter is methods of data collection, sampling and data analysis used in conducting the study. The fourth chapter centres around the research findings including an analysis of how it relates to previous findings. The fifth chapter consists of the summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations base on the study objectives.


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