The Study Into The Effects Of Inadequate Instructional Materials On Effective Teaching And Learning Of Geography Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
This research work is based on the effect of inadequate instructional materials on effective teaching and learning of geography among students in public senior secondary schools. The research questions were centred on the availability or otherwise of these resources findings revealed that most schools lacked these vital educational resources reasons for this inadequacy were examined, and suggestions were given for possible solution.
The purpose of this study are to:
- Determine the availability of instructional materials in teaching
- Find out the adequacy or otherwise of instructional materials in geography
- Examine the extent of utilization of the available instructional materials in teaching and learning of geography.
- Suggest possible solutions to the inadequate instructional materials in the teaching.
The following research questions will guide the study.
- What is the extent of availability of instructional materials in the teaching and learning of geography in the secondary schools in Ogun State?
- To what extent are the available instructional materials in geography adequate?
- To what extent are the available instructional materials in the teaching of geography utilized?
- How does the inadequate instructional resources affect students’ performance?
This chapter introduces the Study Into The Effects Of Inadequate Instructional Materials On Effective Teaching And Learning Of Geography and its relevance, states the research problems, research questions, and objectives, provides a background of the study, and should also include the research hypothesis.
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