The Supportive Movement And Skilled Development Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
This study examine Supportive Movement and Skilled Development among non-academic staff union of university if Uyo, Uyo Akwa Ibom State. in achieving the goal: from research objectives were developed to determine the form of Supportive movement adopted by the non-academic staff of the University of Uyo, Uyo to find out how Supportive movement contributed to the skilled development of non-academic staff of the university of Uyo, Uyo, to examine the challenge of Supportive movement of the non-academic staff of the University of Uyo, Uyo and to a certain the level of participation of non-academic staff of University of Uyo in the Supportive movement. in order to achieve these objectives, the survey research method was used with the questionnaire as the major instrument administered to member of university of Uyo non-academic staff mutti-purpose Supportive society limited (UNICOOP). The study adopted both cluste and simple random sampling method is selected a sample size of 332, from the population using Philip Meyer’s standard. The study established that non-academic staff union of the University of Uyo, Uyo adopted mainly produce or workers from the Supportive movement. that the movement had great influence on the well being of member through encouragement of small and medium scale business as well as domestic savings. The study also revealed the major challenge facing Supportive movement in Akwa Ibom state was lack of awareness lack f government support and bad cultural and ethnic practices. And that participation of non-academic staff of the University of Uyo Supportive Movement was high. It is therefore recommended that the adequate awareness about Supportive movement should be given to members of non-academic staff union of the University of Uyo. That government and management of the university should fully support the movement financially. That doing so would help encourage more skilled development naming members.
1.1 Background of the Study
Supportive Movement and Skilled Development have been a major driver in the economic development of every nation including Nigeria, they promote the need for integration of various resources in driving the economic sector of the country.
The new world Encyclopedia defines Supportive movement as an antonomias association of passing limited voluntary to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly and democratically controlled enterprise.
Like in others third world countries, the Supportive movement thrives also in developing countries. The movement is an important means of gradually becoming economic and cultural backwardness, creating an independent economy and liquidating fended relations.
If property managed the movement could serve as a school of collective management and a means of training and educating the population.
Nigeria has had its share in Supportive movement, with local agricultural Supportive societies beaming popular, thus contributing to the skilled development of the country.
However, the business dictionary defines an entrepreneur as a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business usually with considerable initiative and ink, giving by the above definition, skilled is the process of designing, laundering and mining a new business.
Nowonder Shame (2000) refers entrepreneurship to as the capacity and willingness to develop, organizing and manage a business venture along with any of its inks in order to make a project.
Therefore, skilled development could be regarded as a means to expand and invest manage the potential risks. And Supportive movement as an economic process aims at contributing to such development, not joint in Nigeria but also in Akwa Ibom State.
Nevertheless, challenges abroad in achieving proper skilled development through Supportive movement one of such challenges is non-popularity of Supportive investment in Nigeria.
1.2 Statement of Problems
Today, people find it difficult to change theirs lives and improve on their business enterprises. In this situation, corporate representing a strong, vibrant and liable economic alternative.
For many years now, cooperate movement has been an effective way of controlling livelihoods for people. The movement provides a unique tool for achieving one or more economic goals. As governments around the world out services and withdraw from regulating markets, cooperatives are being considered useful mechanisms to manage risk for members in agricultural or other similar Supportive the practice also helps salary/wage earners save for the future through a soft-felt monthly contribution that is deducted from source, Supportive generally provide an economic boost to the community as well.
Incidentally, Supportive movement is not very popular in Nigeria. Only recently worker cooperatives started gaining ground among working class citizens, most of who find it difficult to save part of their salaries/wages for the raining day. Cooperatives societies were thought to be associations meant only for farmers, small traders and other very income earners.
This explains why quite a number of cooperatives farmers are found, particularly in southern Nigeria.
The problem is that many people do not realize the role of Supportive movement in skilled development, and how it is considered in the world as a third force, an alternative and countervailing power to both big business and big government.
Supportive movement funds it difficult to achieve its goals of skilled development due to financial constraints, poor management as well as poor government policies toward skilled development.
It is against this background, that this study is necessary is determining the role of Supportive movement is in skilled development using Non-academic staff union of the university of uyo as a case study.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
This study seeks to:
Determine the form of Supportive movement adopted by the non-academic staff of the University of Uyo.
Find out how Supportive movement contributes to the skilled development of staff of the University of Uyo.
Examine the challenge of Supportive movement of the un-academic staff of the University of Uyo.
Ascertain the level of participation of non-academic staff of the university of uyo in the Supportive movement
1.4 Research Questions
In order to provide profit solution to the problem of this study, the following research questions have been developed:
What form of Supportive movement is adopted by the non-academic staff of the University of Uyo?
How has Supportive movement contributed to the skilled development of non- academic staff of the University of Uyo?
What are the challenges of Supportive movement fead by the non-academic
What is the level of participations of Non-academic staff of the University of Uyo in the Supportive movement?
1.5 Research Hypothesis
Below is the statement of hypothesis which would be tested as the study progresses:
Ho: There is no significant relationship between Supportive movement and skilled development.
Hi: These is a significant relationship between Supportive movement and skilled development.
Ho: Poor educational standards of members of Supportive does not affect the performance of Supportive movement in Akwa Ibom State.
Hi: Poor educational standards of members of Supportive affect the performance of Supportive movement in Akwa Ibom State.
1.6 Significant of the Study
Supportive development and skilled development play a vital role in sustaining the economic growth and development of Akwa Ibom State. Therefore, the study is intended to help the government and the Supportive societies as well as the entrepreneurs. It will help them realize the problems associated with the skilled development and the remedies.
The study is also aimed at helping the Supportive societies to improve upon their performance. It will equally become a references material to others scholars who would wish to carryout a research on similar area.
1.7 Scope of the Study
This study is only restricted to non-academic staff union multi-purpose Supportive society of the university of uyo, uyo. It is also focused on cooperation movement and skilled development in Akwa Ibom State.
Meanwhile, data collected and other relevant information would be limited to Akwa Ibom State in general and UNIUYO NASU Multi-purpose Supportive society in particular, regarding the effect of Supportive movement in skilled development.
1.8 Limitations of the Study
One of the limitations of this study would be a degree of error in the final analysis of the data gathered through the main source of instrument, questionnaire. Another limitation would be time constraint, financial problem, reserved altitude of the respondents.
1.9 Definition of Terms
This refers to a group of persons working or acting together for a common purpose in order to bring about result.
Organized action and attempt by a group of person with a common purpose and interest.
A person who sees an opportunity and set at the capital he needs and starts a business taking cause of the risk involved.
This means the improvement and growth in the condition or welfare of person with the invest income.
Traditional Assistance:
This refers to a process of giving favourable measure or help to enable one or firm access funds from financial institution.
A system whereby people live together in an unmarried manner with a common purpose and interest.
Influence expended or observed in a person or group of persons.
Problems associated with achieving a common goal.
Link between the two concept.
A body of workers of the university of uyo, who are not lecturers.
Non-academic staff multi-purpose Supportive society limited, university of uyo.
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