The Use Of Demography In Developing Nigerian Economy Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
The main purpose of this research project is to elaborate more on the uses of demography in economic development of Nigeria and population statistics, its nature and relationship or relevance towards developing Nigeria.
First and foremost is the introduction of demographic and population statistics in developing Nigeria economy, the significance, scope, objectives of the study and definition of terms.
The second chapter is all about review of related literature on the use of demography in developing Nigerian economy, its nature and characteristics, sources of data collection in Nigeria.
Chapter three consists of research methodology, sources and method of data collection and the method of data analysis.
Chapter four consists of data presentation and analysis. The demography and the population data, that is, population distribution in Nigeria by age and sex in the year 2004 is presented in tabular form followed by the analysis with the year 2001, population as baseline population projections are made for other years.
1.1 Background Of The Study
Before a successful development and planning, there must be provision for suitable information which, serves as a guide to the planners. In terms of social and Economic planning and development, e planning and development that has to do with the economy of the nation. It is obvious that information on the population a swell as sex distribution and other related issues have to be there as a guide to the planner so a to make a suitable plan.
In other words, we are set to find relevant information on the population and demography suitable for the proper planning of the nation’s economy.
Since the image of the nation always reflects through the state of the economy, there is all the need for proper socio- economic planning and development and since there is no way this task can be accomplish without the use of certain vital facts such as contained in demography and population records.
It therefore makes this research a very important one. Accuracy in population and vital statistics is vital to sound development planning and economic management.
They are also useful for standardizing other, macro-economic aggregates for interregional and international comparison. We shall also consider the factor affecting demography and population statistics as well as bias and other error and the sources.
1.2 Statement Of Problems
No proper development planning can be successfully made without the use of proper social and economic planning in Nigeria has always remained a challenge and cannot be conquered except the population and demography are in place. Demography and population records are of most importance to social and economic planning in Nigeria.
1.3 Research Question
In the course of this study, answers will be sought for the following questions
What do demography and population statistics imply?
What are the sources of demography and population data.
What are the problems involved in collecting these data?
How are these data relevant to social and economic planning and development in Nigerian
What are the ways in which one can increase precision
in demography and population statistics.
What factors are responsible for changes in the population of an area?
1.4 Objective Of The Study
The objective of this study is to find out the following:
The problems of demography and population data collection.
The strategies for improving demography and population data.
The impact of wrong demography and population data in the social and economic development and planning in Nigeria.
To find out demography and population data relevant for socio-economic development in Nigerian.
To analyze demography and population statistics as tools for social and economic development in Nigeria.
To shows the important of demography and population statistics towards social and economic development in Nigeria.
To make population projections for future development of the Nigerian economy.
1.5 Significance Of The Study
A role of development cannot be neglected in any nation. It is also necessary to understand that every planning and developments starts from somewhere social and economic development need demography and population statistics as a guide for the economic development. Demography and population statistics have been the effective tools that help in standardizing the economic plan.
Though Nigerian one of the richest countries in terms of agriculture product and other mineral resources.
The needs of accurate demography and population data for effective development and planning cannot be over looked hence the economy will be frustrated even with its riches.
In the course of this study, we will come to understand how importance demography and population statistics is in social and economic planning and development in Nigeria.
1.6 Scope Of The Study
This research work is intended to find out the demography and population statistics for the planning and development in socio-economics sector in Nigeria.
The scope of this study includes-
Method and source of demography and population statistics in Nigeria.
Problems of data collection in Nigeria.
Demography and population statistics and its effect on social and economic planning and development in Nigeria.
Population projection for future planning and development in Nigeria.
1.7 Limitation Of The Study
A lot of factors militated against this project work. The most inflicting problem was time. As a student caring out the study with my ministerial and other domestic callings, the time schedule for this study seems inadequate.
Another major constraints includes lack of data and willingness of the custodians of those data from the nation to make it available for at least photocopy. Even the material in the libraries are grossly out data easy to come by funds needed for this research was enormous at least to cover transportation and photocopy of materials and this is earnest affected and determined the scope of this study.
All these constrains, not withstanding with God’s guidance and provisions coupled with the corporation of my superior in higher learning, the study was successfully complete and within time scheduled.
Chapter Five
Summary, Conclusion, And Recommendation
5.1 Summary
In this research, First established the fact that there is no way the use of economy in Nigeria can be successfully done without the knowledge of the population size as well as the age distribution as tools for planning apart from the population size, vital events such as, birth rate, death rate and migration which are strong population change is worth taken into consideration so that the good plan in the beginning of the year will not be a disappointment after few months due to high birth-rate or migration.
Since demography and population data are the major elements of economic planning it is necessary to note that any error in the population data has the potential of frustrating the economic plan. Therefore the adequacy economic planning is proportional to the accuracy in demography and population data.
Population Projection (Estimation)
With the present population figure estimate either forward or backward can be made about the future or past as it may be needed. In this research the population projection by states in Nigeria is shown in table 3. In the table, population of the year 2001 is used as baseline population with population growth rate of 2.83%. Projects were made for years 2001 to 2007. In table 2, using the year 2004 population as the baseline population.
Projections are made for 2005 to 2007 at the population growth rate of 2.45% per annum. With population projection, estimate about the future can be made and this helps in providing the necessary information for future planning.
5.2 Conclusion
In the light of the findings made, the following conclusions are made.
The economy of the development plan of the economy is proportional to the reliability of the demography.
Vital registration in Nigeria is yet to be universal owing to poor interest of the government about it.
Lack of timely statistical data affects the economic planning in Nigeria.
Illiteracy affects the accuracy of the population and demographic data thereby hindering the reliability of the use of economy in Nigeria.
Data for economic planning can be gotten either from primary source or secondary source (statistical published as used in this study).
There is no way the use of economic can be made without the provision of demography and population statistics.
5.3 Recommendation:
In this course of study, we have found out that demography is the most interest to the use of economy in developing Nigerian. There is therefore the need to improve in accuracy of these data such that its effect on planning will enhance economic development. Considering the findings, the following recommendations are made:
Government should give sufficient fund towards this venture. Since data collection is very expensive and very vital as well, the government should provide enough fund to counter the financial challenges involved in data collection.
There is need for public enlightment campaign so as to get the people educated about the need for vital registration and other related events so that the people will co-operate with the data collection agencies to give right information.
The continuous, compulsory and universal component of the vital statistics should be backed up by government policy so as to enhance accuracy in the demography and population data thereby improving in the developing the nation economy.
The data collection agents should be properly oriented (educated) on his assignment so that the data collected will be effective for the purpose of which it was collected.
There should be adequate recording facility as well as good habit of record keeping so as preserving the information obtained.
Since a successful use of economy in developing demands demographic data available, special interest should be given to the statistics department as a way of economic development strategy.
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