The Attitudes Towards Learning And Performance In Mathematics Among Students In Selected Secondary Schools Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
The aim of this study was to explore how students’ attitudes influence their learning and performance in mathematics within secondary schools in Bureti District. The specific objectives were: a) to assess students’ attitudes towards learning and performance in mathematics, b) to determine if these attitudes contribute to inadequate learning and consequently poor performance, and c) to identify factors influencing these attitudes among secondary school students. The study employed a descriptive survey design, and the data collected, primarily descriptive in nature, utilized Mathematics Teachers Questionnaires (MTQ) for teachers and Mathematics Students Questionnaires (MSQ) for students. These instruments were administered to 24 teachers and 359 students respectively, selected from six secondary schools in Bureti District. Data were coded and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS).
Key findings indicated that a significant issue related to attitudes towards learning mathematics in secondary schools was students’ lack of confidence and interest in their ability to perform well, reported by 45% of respondents. Additionally, 24% noted a lack of interest in mathematics. Concerning attitudes towards the subject itself, 56% strongly agreed that they enjoyed learning mathematics, while the same percentage disagreed strongly that mathematics classes were uninteresting. Furthermore, 49% expressed a strong desire to continue studying mathematics after secondary school. Regarding difficulty, 38% strongly disagreed that understanding mathematics was challenging, while 70% strongly agreed that mathematics was highly useful in life.
Based on these findings, several recommendations are proposed: a) fostering positive attitudes towards learning and excelling in mathematics is crucial in secondary education, involving efforts from teachers, parents, and other stakeholders; b) emphasizing the interconnectedness of attitudes, learning, performance, and practical application of mathematics in the curriculum; c) equipping mathematics teachers with comprehensive understanding of student learning processes to enhance teaching effectiveness; d) using language in mathematics education that promotes positive attitudes; e) providing regular counseling within mathematics departments to address negative attitudes effectively; f) utilizing available resources effectively to reinforce positive or neutralize negative attitudes towards mathematics; and g) ensuring gender equality in encouragement and support for mathematics learning and performance among students.
These recommendations aim to improve attitudes towards mathematics education and subsequently enhance learning outcomes among secondary school students in Bureti District
- Establish attitudes that secondary school students form towards learning and performance of mathematics.
- Find out whether attitudes form by students contributed to inappropriate learning of mathematics and consequently poor performance in the subject.
- Establish factors which influence formation of attitudes towards learning and performance of mathematics among secondary school students.
- What attitudes do students in secondary schools form towards learning and performance in mathematics?
- Do attitudes formed by students contributed to inappropriate learning of mathematics and consequently poor performance in the subject?
- What factors influence attitudes towards learning and performance in mathematics among secondary school students?
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations and Acronyms
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Background to the study
1.3 Statement of the problem
1.4 Purpose of the study
1.5 Objectives of the study
1.6 Research questions
1.7 Significance of the study
1.8 Limitations of the study
1.9 Assumptions of the study
1.10 Conceptual framework
1.11 Organization of the thesis
1.12 Operational definition of terms
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Reinforcing factors of attitudes
2.2.1 Genetic predisposition
2.2.2 Individual student‟s experience
2.2.3 Societal influence
2.2.4 School influence
2.2.5 Mathematics teachers
2.2.6 Gender factor
2.3 Possible interventions
2.3.1 Learning resources
2.3.2 Role of the society
2.3.3 Teacher-students interaction
2.4 Possible expected learning environment
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research design
3.2.1 Variables
3.3 Location of the study
3.4 Target population
3.5 Sampling Techniques and Sample Size
3.5.1 Sampling Techniques
3.5.2 Sample size
3.6 Research instruments
3.6.1 Mathematics Teachers‟ Questionnaire (MTQ)
3.6.2 Mathematics Students‟ Questionnaire (MSQ)
3.7 Pilot study
3.7.1 Validity
3.7.2 Reliability
3.8 Data collection Procedures
3.9 Data analysis
3.10 Ethical consideration
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Background Information
4.2.1 Gender Distribution
4.2.2 Types of Schools
4.3 Problems associated with attitudes affecting learning and performance in mathematics
4.4 Students‟ attitudes towards learning and performance in mathematics
4.5. Factors influencing attitudes towards learning and performance in mathematics
4.5.1 Number of lessons taught by mathematics teachers
4.5.2 Years of experience in teaching mathematics
4.5.3 Extent to which teachers liked teaching mathematics
4.5.4 Teachers‟ opinions on mathematics as a subject
4.5.5 Teachers‟ opinions on what students like about mathematics
4.5.6 Strategies to create interest in mathematics among students
4.5.7 Methods used in teaching to enhance learning of mathematics
4.5.8 Methods used by mathematics teachers to motivate students
4.6 Discussions of the findings
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Summary
5.3 Conclusions
5.4 Recommendations
5.5 Recommendations for Further Research
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