Construction of Water Storage Tank (2000 litters)

4 Chapters
27 Pages
2,293 Words

The construction of a water storage tank, particularly one with a capacity of 2000 liters, involves several crucial steps to ensure durability and functionality. Initially, site preparation is essential, involving clearing the area, leveling the ground, and ensuring proper drainage to prevent water accumulation around the tank. Next, suitable materials such as reinforced concrete or durable plastic are selected based on factors like cost, longevity, and intended use. The tank’s design must adhere to local regulations and engineering standards, considering factors like seismic activity, soil composition, and environmental impact. Construction begins with forming the tank’s base and walls, either through pouring concrete or assembling prefabricated sections. Reinforcement may be added as necessary to enhance structural integrity. Installation of inlet and outlet pipes, as well as any necessary accessories like filters or valves, follows suit. Finally, the tank undergoes testing for leaks and structural stability before being put into service, providing a reliable water storage solution for various applications, including residential, agricultural, or industrial use.


The 20000 liters storage tank was constructed for effective storage and conservation of third with three (3) mild steel sheet of 14 gauge (2mm) thickness.
The construction started by marketing out 1½ (One and half) mild steel of 2440 Mm by 113Mmusing metal meter rule and critter the already market out dimension underwent cutting with a backsaw and after marking out and cutting operation of the cylindrical part it under went fording, using hammer and folding machine, and finally joined together using Arc welding machine.
Therefore, the cylindrical part of the storage tank was formed. To form the bottom , half of the remaining sheet, that was used initially for the cylindrical part was used, having a dimension of 1220 MM by 1130MM The top of the tank has a doomed sphere, roof of 1220MM for the entering of water and it was coursed with the constructed culver of 40000 MM by 10000 MM using one mild steel sheet the storage tank socket and tap was designed and constructed using drilling machine to make a small opening at the bottom of the tank with a diameter of 2.5MM and the inner threaded socket pipe of diameter 30Mmby 60 MM was screwed and welded to the opening.
The complete are welding of the parts was done with 12 gauge 2.5 MM electrode with exit piping of all the necessary joints. The storage tank was designed for affective storage and transfer of water through the tap control. It was discovered that the flow rate of the water through the tap control was free of any obstruction therefore, the tap can allow easy water flow out from the tank and can be used ford for storage of any water such as kerosene diesel, petrol etc. The construction was achieved this water was filled into function effectively.


Title Page
Letter Of Transmittal
Approval Page

1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Scope Of The Project 2

2.0 Types Of Reservoirs 3
2.1 Industrial And Domestic Use Of Reservoir 4
2.2 Materials Of Construction For Different Types Of Reservoirs 5
2.3 Design Factors For Construction 6

3.0 Procedure For Construction Of 500 Gallons 2250 Liters 8
3.1 Installation Procedure For The Tank 15
3.2 Cost Estimate/Evaluation 15

4.0 Recommendations 17
Conclusion 17


Reservoirs are forms of storages vessels.
Reservoirs are used for different purposes ranging from use in the chemical industries to use in the domestic homes of different chemical and physical properties others are used for the storage of solids and semi-finished items.
They are reservoirs that are designed in the form of silos for the storage of Agricultural equipments and even industries products.
Some reservoirs are sued in the cryogenic storages. Storage containers that are used for storing cryogenic substances are designed 10 percent volume larger than the substance so as to reduce rapid build up of pressure in the container.
The major problems of most reservoirs are leakage. Leakage usually results when controlled resulting to the collapse of a section. It might equally result from the rushing of a part of the container.

The scope of the project is the design of a 2.0m3 reservoir for holding water with the following requirements;
i. Ability to withstand corrosion
ii. Cost should be comparable to what is obtainable in the open market
iii. With the capacity to be used for hygienic water storage
iv. Should not be constructed of a material that can easily breakdown on any impact of stress or be subjected to easy leakage of water
v. Should be installed on a support after construction.



Construction of Water Storage Tank (2000 litters):

Constructing a water storage tank with a capacity of 2,000 liters (2,000 L) is a practical project that can help you store and manage water efficiently. Here are the general steps to construct a water storage tank:

1. Planning and Permits:

Check local building codes and regulations to determine any permits or approvals needed for your project.
Plan the location of the tank, ensuring it is accessible for filling and maintenance.
Calculate the dimensions of the tank. The size of the tank can vary based on your available space and needs.

2. Materials and Tools:

Gather the necessary materials, which typically include:
Concrete blocks or bricks
Reinforcement bars (rebar)
Water-resistant sealant
PVC pipes and fittings for inlet and outlet
Tank cover or lid
Wire mesh (for reinforcement)
You’ll also need basic construction tools like shovels, wheelbarrows, trowels, levels, and a mixing machine or cement mixer.

3. Excavation:

Dig a hole or trench for the tank’s foundation. Ensure that the ground is level and compacted.
The hole should be slightly larger than the tank’s planned dimensions to allow for the construction.

4. Foundation:

Create a solid, level foundation using a mixture of cement and sand.
You may need to install a layer of wire mesh or rebar within the foundation for added strength.

5. Build the Tank Walls:

Begin constructing the tank walls using concrete blocks or bricks.
Apply mortar to join the blocks/bricks together, ensuring a waterproof seal.
Leave spaces for inlet and outlet pipes. Install pipe sleeves as you build.

6. Reinforcement:

Insert reinforcement bars (rebar) within the walls at regular intervals to add structural strength.

7. Waterproofing:

After the tank walls are constructed, apply a waterproof sealant or coating to the inside surface of the tank.
This helps prevent water from seeping through the walls.

8. Inlet and Outlet:

Install the PVC inlet and outlet pipes, ensuring they are securely sealed.
The inlet pipe connects to the water source (e.g., rainwater collection system), while the outlet pipe allows you to access the stored water.

9. Tank Cover:

Construct a sturdy tank cover or lid to prevent debris, insects, and contaminants from entering the tank.
Ensure it is well-fitted and provides easy access for maintenance and cleaning.

10. Curing and Maintenance:
– Allow the tank to cure for the recommended time, typically a few weeks, to ensure the concrete is fully hardened.
– Regularly inspect and clean the tank to maintain water quality.

11. Fill and Use:
– Once the tank is completed and cured, you can start filling it with water from your chosen source.

12. Safety Considerations:
– Ensure safety precautions while working with construction materials and tools, especially when handling cement and working in excavation areas.

Remember to consult local building codes and regulations, and consider seeking assistance from a professional if you are unsure about any aspect of the construction process. Proper construction and maintenance are crucial to ensuring the safety and quality of your water storage tank.