Design And Implementation Of A Network Based Security Information System

A Network-Based Security Information System (NBSIS) is a comprehensive platform designed to safeguard digital infrastructures by monitoring, detecting, and mitigating cybersecurity threats across interconnected networks. Employing advanced algorithms and protocols, Network-Based Security Information System continuously analyzes network traffic, system logs, and security events to identify anomalous behavior indicative of potential security breaches or vulnerabilities. Through real-time alerts and automated response mechanisms, NBSIS enhances threat intelligence and incident response capabilities, bolstering the resilience of organizations against cyberattacks such as malware, phishing, and unauthorized access attempts. Additionally, Network-Based Security Information System facilitates proactive risk management strategies by providing actionable insights into network security posture, compliance requirements, and emerging threat trends, empowering stakeholders to make informed decisions to fortify their cyber defenses and ensure the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of critical assets and data.


The fundamental aim of this project is to emphasize how a system of information network aids the government and police administration in decision taking through a range of statistical data as collected and analyzed in an existing information system.

It also airs the different machines used in information processing system to reduce the much-engaged manual efforts. The system design is also introduced where cone is taken in the planning system, which is very close to the manually processed method, but with serious optimization. The proposed system is a network based expert system.

All the work in the system will at the end achieve:
– Data security
– Handling of files
– Speedy collection of information for security analysis
– Storage of information for subsequent usage.
– A forecast for the future security
– A dependable standard for decision taking on security matters as well as planning and control measures.
– Existing equipment for security information listed and known.



Cover page
Title page
Table of contents

1.1 Security information
1.2 Objectives
1.3 Justification

2.0 Security concept
2.1 Definition of security
2.2 Security threats
2.3 Security & Information

3.0 Description of the exiting security information system
3.1 Organizational structure
3.2 Fact finding method
3.3 Objective of the existing system
3.4 Programs of the existing system
3.5 Equipment of the existing system
3.6 Forms

4.0 Design of the network-based security information system
4.1 Method of data collection
4.2 System design – input, processing, output, information storage and retrieval

5.0 Implementation of the new system
5.1 Choice of programming language
5.2 Program flowchart of security record system

6.0 Output interpretation

7.0 Conclusion
7.1 Recommendation



Law enforcement administrations, Justice systems, legislators and the government functionaries often need information to efficiently disseminate and fulfill their official responsibilities of ensuring maximum security for their subjects. To achieve this, a system of information technology network is needed to aid the management in decision taking about the security of lives and properties. In this work “DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A NETWORK BASED SECURITY INFORMATION SYSTEM” I will take a case study of “B’ OPS COMMUNICATION OF POLICE SHQ ENUGU” as an existing information network system in the police and analyze their process of data collection and hence design a new system which will enhance the output.

The objective of this program is strictly for the production of a reliable system of nation wide crime statistical information from all works and craning for administrative and operational use of the executive and law enforcement management system. Another objective of this work is to make an improvement in the existing data security system. To create a way of speedy data collections for security analysis. For a network of information technology for security purpose and create a standard management information system forecasting for security together with good decision taking, planning and control programs.

The process of executing the task of information management has been manually executed; quite unfortunately manual procedure reduces the output quality and consumed time.
This work will examine a new system where th3e much needed human efforts are replaced with machines to achieve fast collection of data and easy processing to obtain healthy outputs.

Also the need for information and data in the knowledge base doest not only answer to the problem of information over load but also helps in a state of crime statistics request, wherefore the computerization of some of this areas is very necessary because its importance in making crime investigators imbibe new and modernized methods and create public awareness of the society security policy.





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Network Based Security Information System:

A Network-Based Security Information System (NBSIS) is a system designed to monitor, manage, and analyze security-related information within a computer network. Its primary purpose is to enhance the security posture of an organization by providing real-time insights into network activities and potential threats. NBSIS can also help with incident detection, response, and prevention.

Key components and features of a Network-Based Security Information System typically include:

  1. Data Collection: Network-Based Security Information System collects data from various sources within the network, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), intrusion prevention systems (IPS), routers, switches, and more. This data includes logs, traffic flow data, and alerts.
  2. Data Analysis: The system analyzes the collected data to identify patterns, anomalies, and potential security threats. This analysis can involve the use of machine learning and anomaly detection techniques to differentiate normal network behavior from suspicious or malicious activity.
  3. Alerting and Notification: When a potential security threat is detected, NBSIS can generate alerts and notifications. These alerts can be sent to security analysts or administrators in real-time, allowing for a rapid response to incidents.
  4. Incident Management: Network-Based Security Information System often includes incident management capabilities, allowing security teams to document and track security incidents, assign responsibilities, and coordinate responses.
  5. Security Dashboards: Security dashboards provide a visual representation of the network’s security status. They can display real-time information on network traffic, threat levels, and the status of security devices.
  6. Reporting: Network-Based Security Information System can generate reports on network security metrics, incidents, and trends. These reports are valuable for compliance purposes, management, and ongoing security assessments.
  7. Integration: Network-Based Security Information System is typically integrated with other security tools and technologies, such as SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) systems, threat intelligence feeds, and endpoint security solutions.
  8. Threat Intelligence: Network-Based Security Information System can leverage threat intelligence feeds to stay up-to-date with known threats and vulnerabilities. This information helps the system identify and respond to emerging threats more effectively.
  9. User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA): Some Network-Based Security Information System solutions incorporate UEBA to monitor user and entity behavior within the network. This helps detect insider threats and unusual user activities.
  10. Forensics: Network-Based Security Information System may include forensic capabilities to investigate security incidents, trace the source of attacks, and gather evidence for legal or compliance purposes.
  11. Scalability: Network-Based Security Information System should be scalable to accommodate the growth of the network and increasing volumes of security data.
  12. Compliance and Reporting: Many organizations use Network-Based Security Information System to meet regulatory compliance requirements by tracking and reporting on security events and incidents.

Overall, a Network-Based Security Information System plays a crucial role in enhancing the security posture of an organization by providing visibility into network activities and helping to detect and respond to security threats effectively. It is an essential component of modern cybersecurity strategies.