Effect Of Retrenchment On The Moral Of Workers And Productivity

(A Case Study Of Federal Radio Corporation Of Nigeria (Frcn) Enugu Zone)

5 Chapters
70 Pages
7,805 Words

Experiencing retrenchment can profoundly impact the morale of workers and subsequently affect productivity within an organization. The abrupt reduction in workforce often generates a palpable sense of insecurity and anxiety among remaining employees, as they grapple with the uncertainty of their own job stability. The psychological toll is exacerbated when employees witness colleagues departing due to retrenchment, fostering a climate of fear and apprehension. This emotional strain can lead to diminished employee engagement, motivation, and trust in the organization. The remaining staff may feel overburdened as they absorb additional responsibilities, potentially leading to burnout. Consequently, the ripple effect of retrenchment on the workforce’s morale can contribute to a decline in overall productivity, as employees grapple with the emotional aftermath and navigate the challenges posed by a reshaped work environment. To mitigate these negative consequences, organizations must prioritize effective communication, provide support mechanisms, and cultivate a sense of transparency to rebuild trust and resilience among the workforce.


This research work was conducted to find out the effect of retrenchment on the moral of workers and productivity of a named organization (FRCN) Enugu zone.
This research work on the above topic was deemed necessary by the researcher in view of the conclusion reached by several school of thought on management that the way an organization is operationally structured could make or channel towards achieving its objectives.
Retrenchment require that workers should carry out their responsibility in their various organization they well to avoid retrenching them.
The researcher in the course of the work administered some structured questionnaire to critical offices of the establishments aimed at eliciting useful information. This was complemented by view of related literature on the subject including tabular presentation, use of percentage to analyze the data obtained.
Arising from the above exercise, the researcher was able to discover among others:
(1) There was poor productivity which came about as a result of poor quality workers, inefficiency of work organization, lack of energy and incompetence of managers as well as bad altitude and behavior regarding work.
(2) Redundant workers in various organization have contributed in a small measure to the selecting in question.
(3) Technology as enabler. This leads to displacement of many workers.- the real power of technology.
(4) Poor health and bad research contributed to work retrenchments exercise being carried out, being the fact that job of operating heavy research and other agricultural equipment requires a sound person
(5) Organizational re-engineering has been called the fundamental thinking and radical re-design of business processes to achieve dramatic improvement in critical, contemporary measure of performance such as cost, source, and speed

In view of the fact that the above lapses never found to be seriously militating like achievement of the organizational goods, it was then recommended thus,
(1) The organization management should embark on training of staff rather then retrenchment which well help in modeling the staff to increase his fitness for a specific activity as wanted in on organization.
(2) The organization management should enable on retrenchment of old workers instead of placing an automatic retrenchment on them.
Finally, motivation should be a tool for managers to influence the behavior of workers thereby increasing productivity.



Title page
Approval page
Table of content

1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the study
1.3 Purpose of the study
1.4 Scope of the study
1.5 Research questions
1.6 Research hypothesis
1.7 Significance of the study
1.8 Limitations of the study
1.9 Definitions of terms (if any)

2.1 Meaning and concept of retrenchment
2.2 The concept of moral and productivity
2.3 Different views on organizational productivity and motivation
2.4 Impact of retrenchment on Nigeria economy
2.5 Impact of retrenchment on organizational productivity. –
2.6 Impact of retrenchment on federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN)

3.1 Research design
3.2 Area of the study
3.3 Population of the study
3.4 Sample and sampling procedure
3.5 Instrument of data collection
3.6 Validation of the instrument
3.7 Reliability of the instrument
3.8 Method of data collection
3.9 Method of data analysis

4.1 Presentation and analysis of data
4.2 Testing of hypothesis
4.3 Summary of result / findings

5.1 Discussion of findings
5.2 Conclusions
5.3 Implications of the research finding
5.4 Recommendations
5.5 Suggestions for further research


By the year 1960, school leavers secured jobs with relative case, graduates were scarce and hard to come by, and it was employers who looked for them instead of the other way round. Then, the economy of Nigeria was booming. Jobs existed if firms and government remained the greatest employer of labour. However those were the days gone by. Before this period, the colonial administration was interested and maintained dialogue with worker in terms of employment contracts and productivity.
The elite workforce from the public service maintain moderate working hours and fair income to the bargain and the Nigeria currency backed by the British pound was reliable stable. At this period also educational emancipation and the little technological advancement dictated the pace in relation between the workers and the employer, controlled considerably by the environment which was monthly as a result of retrenchment.

In reality, retrenchment is a term used on workers who are dismissed or terminated from job has never been a great threat to this country.
The background of this study which is on federal radio corporation of Nigeria Enugu Zone.
This research work was prompted by the way workers has been retrenched which also affect productivity for the past few years in media organization. Retrenchment does not merely develop, there must be reasons for it so the researcher will like to find out what the reasons are and its effects on the workers moral and productivity.

The retrenchment exercise currently taken place in Nigeria poses economic and social problems. Retrenchment can be defined as dismissal or termination of a worker when the job ceases to exist, usually as a result of technology or economic change. It can also be seen as an act to cut down on expenses. According to “an editorial agency of retrenchment “News watch Vol 1 No. 2 (February 11 1985). Retrenchment started of economic reasons in the early 80s. The whole world has been going through a recession but the Nigeria case has been a very peculiar situation because it has resulted in many workers using their jobs. The most recent workers retrenchment done at the federal radio corporation were 35 workers out of 300 staff were retrenched.
Then another one was last year though it wasn’t serious like that of 1995 because only 5 workers were retrenched. In summary. This work set out to find out why retrenchment is being embarked upon, who is being retrenched among the workers and the criteria for selecting them. The researcher will also be interested in finding out the effects this exercise had on the noticeable change in poor directivity and in what direction.

Firstly, the objective of this research is to know and review the implication of retrenchment on workers moral and productivity as it relate to
(a) Job insecurity
(b) Psychological impact
(c) High cost of production

JOB INSECURITY: Retrenchment is an act carried out by the management of any organization. Which leads the present and prospective staff unsecured about their job. These leads to workers ineffectiveness because it lead their faith in organization scattered.
PSYCHOLOGICAL IMPACT: The retrenched workers leaves the organization with some psychological and demoralize feelings which not only effects their family but could lead to hypertension and others.
HIGH COST OF PRODUCTION: The employment of more number of workers will cost the organization in terms of payment of salary then when retrenchments take place as it will enable the organization achieve a maximum objective with minimum cost.

The study will survey the effects of retrenchment on workers moral and productivity in federal radio corporation of Nigeria Enugu zone. It will cover the reasons for retrenchment and it effects on workers moral and producing. The effort made by the researcher to produce a befitting thesis have been punctuated by certain limitations. For a researcher topic to be given adequate treatment it requires sufficient theoretical framework.
Literature peculiar to retrenchment of workers is scare, so the researcher has no alternative but to use magazines, article for reviewing retrenchment issues.

1. Has retrenchment any effect on prospective or present workers ?
2. Has retrenchment any effects on organizational productivity. ?
3. Has retrenchment any implication on workers attitude to work ?
4. Has retrenchment any significant effect on the performance of growth and survival of the organization ?
5. Has retrenchment any effect or consequence on the society at large ?

Ho: Retrenchment has no effect on the reaming workers in the organization.
Hi: Retrenchment has effect on the reaming workers in the organization
Ho: Retrenchments affect the morale of retained workers.
Hi: Retrenchment does not affect the morale of refrained workers
Ho: Retrenchment has no social consequences on the environment
Hi: Retrenchment has social consequences on the environment.

In the past five years, retrenchment of workers has been order of the day. It has reached a arisen situation since the military lake over of government. The seriousness of this exercise has made the executives of the Nigerian labour congress cry out on behalf of their members to federal government to stop further retrenchment because it subjecting member of NLC it some very hard situation that this research is being carried out. Hoping that through the result of this research, the true effect of retrenchment would be known. Where this is done on basis of efficiency, this work would emphasis the fact that employers do not always retrench just to save cost or meet up with recession but that efficiency on the part of employee is rewarding.
Finally, it is hoped that the research paper would be of help to others who would want to explore the area more.

There were a lot of constraints in gathering information for this research work but the major constraints are as follows:
TIME = In respect of the theoretical and practical work, the time allowed for the project was short. Beside this was carved over with an academic assignments.

Due to problem posed by limited finances and increase in transport fare, it was not possible fro me to visit many libraries to carryout the needed library research

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Effect Of Retrenchment On The Moral Of Workers And Productivity:

Retrenchment, which refers to the process of reducing a company’s workforce by terminating employees, can have significant effects on the morale of workers and productivity within the organization. These effects can be both positive and negative, depending on how the retrenchment process is managed and the specific circumstances surrounding it.

Negative Effects on Morale:

Anxiety and Fear: The announcement of retrenchment or layoffs can create a sense of anxiety and fear among employees, even those who may not be directly affected. This fear can erode morale and lead to decreased job satisfaction.

Loss of Trust: Employees may lose trust in the company and its leadership, especially if the retrenchment process is perceived as unfair or poorly communicated. This loss of trust can have long-lasting negative effects on employee morale.

Survivor Syndrome: Employees who remain after a round of retrenchments may experience “survivor syndrome.” This occurs when they feel guilty for keeping their jobs while colleagues are let go, which can negatively impact their morale and emotional well-being.

Decreased Job Satisfaction: Retrenched employees often face difficulties in finding new employment, which can lead to decreased job satisfaction and a negative impact on their mental health.

Negative Effects on Productivity:

Distraction: During times of retrenchment, employees may become distracted by the uncertainty and rumors surrounding their job security. This distraction can lead to decreased focus on their work and reduced productivity.

Loss of Expertise: If experienced and skilled employees are laid off, the organization may lose valuable knowledge and expertise. This can result in decreased efficiency and productivity, especially in the short term.

Increased Workload: After retrenchments, the remaining employees may have to take on additional responsibilities to compensate for the loss of staff. This can lead to burnout and decreased productivity if the workload becomes overwhelming.

Positive Effects on Morale and Productivity:

Cost Reduction: If retrenchment is necessary to address financial challenges, it may lead to cost reductions that ultimately benefit the company’s stability and competitiveness. This can positively affect the morale of employees if it helps secure the long-term viability of the organization.

Streamlined Operations: Retrenchment can lead to a more efficient and streamlined organization. This improved efficiency can boost morale and productivity as employees experience reduced bureaucracy and clearer roles and responsibilities.

Clear Communication: Open and transparent communication throughout the retrenchment process can mitigate some of the negative effects on morale. When employees understand the reasons behind the decisions and the steps taken to support those affected, it can help maintain trust and morale to some extent.

In conclusion, the effects of retrenchment on the morale of workers and productivity are complex and multifaceted. Properly managed retrenchment processes with clear communication, support for affected employees, and a focus on preserving organizational health can help mitigate negative impacts and, in some cases, even lead to positive outcomes over the long term. However, the negative effects on morale and productivity cannot be ignored, and they require careful consideration by company leadership.