Effective Communication As A Tool For Good Management

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This study is the effective communication as a tool for good management in sharpening the skills, knowledge and attitude of employees to make them contribute effectively towards the attainment of organizational goal.

Effective communication makes management or organization to boost the overall productivity and efficiency of their organization.

Effective communication makes workers to communicate effectively or work hard in organization.

With respect to the foregoing, this study is undertaken with the aim to promote effective communication.

This work comprised of three chapters. Introduction occupies chapter one, which also contain the background of the subject matter, problems associated with the subject matter, problem that will be concerned with, and the importance of the studying the area.

Chapter two is the literature review. It also treats the origin of study and the different methods of studying the problems.

The last chapter is chapter three, the conclusion it comprises data presentation, which shows tastes containing the effective of communication as a tool for management.

Finally, there are references at the end of each chapter. This is done with the intension to keep with the ethical rule in researching that is giving credit to whom it belongs.


Chapter One

1.0 Introduction

The term communication means different things to different people. Some can expand its meaning to include the equipment used in the passing of information like telegram, telephone, television etc. Others can take it to mean the communication system in the organization such as grapevine compliant box, grievance procedure and the formal chain of command.

Communication function according to Koontz, O.Donnel and Weihrich can also be said to the means by which social inputs are fed into social system, behaviour modified, change effect information made productive and goals are achieved at the end.

The word “management” means getting things done through others. Any manager leader or organizer of any activity where there are more than one participant have to communicate his/her ideas to others to enable them achieve the organization’s objective.

People can communicate to each other through verbal and non-verbal means. In verbal communication it involves written communication comprising letters, reports, memo etc while non-verbal communication includes gestures, postures, artifacts, touching etc. There are several forms of language such as human

language, computer language etc but for research language will only be regard as words both written and spoken. Different tribes have different languages unicate from morning to night. If one cannot communicate, one cannot manage people in any sense of it, this means that man is a communicating animal. An organization needs to maintain contact with the world and this can only be done through communication. This means that it is the most important human survival skill.

1.1 Background of the Study

The personal and organizational objectives of an organization are impossible without communication and can only be partially achieve by chance if communication is ineffective. This problem of communication can be traced back to the creation. In the old testament of the

Bible God change the individual languages of the builders of tower of Babel, as a result they failed to achieve the objective because they could no longer communicate with each other. And the lord said, “behold they are one people and they have all one language and this

Is only the beginning of what they will do and nothing that the propose to do will now be impossible for them, come let us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understood one another’s speech”. First bank regional Headquarters Enugu have been in the banking for about hundred years. This does not mean things have been going smoothly for the industry.

It is still face with some business problems and which implies that the sender of an idea should use the language that could be understood by receiver communication only take place when the receiver understood and decides the message given by the sender. Experts have shown that the percentage of time allocated to communication is very high ranging from 75% to 90% of our working hours. Five percent in writing ten percent in reading, thirty-five percent in talking while fifty-five percent is spent in listening. We can therefore point out that poor communication is one of the basis organization problems. Effective communication in an organization breads motivation and high morale on employee which increases productivity and profitability which are the major objective of any organization.

Communication is of great importance in dealing with the human factors throughout his stay in the organization starting from the recruitment stage to the retirement stage. It relates managerial function to both internal and external environment. In any organization every system must have the ability of interacting with its sub-system if they are to achieve their aims communication is the only solution to this because it provides information that guides the system towards organizational goal accomplishment.

Communication should be realized as an inseparable aspect of human existence because people ineffective communication cannot be excluded if this communication system is not looked into the organization is likely to face serious problem in future. A proper looks into this communication system is relevant to enable it face the modern challenges of technology and competitions on its way to growth and survival. This employees of the company come from different parts of the country which means that they have diverse language ethnics social and cultural backgrounds which have the ability of acting as barrier to effective communication.

However on how poor communication affects specific corporation like first bank

are rare to be found. The peculiar problems of this corporation have not been identified. This project attempts to review some of the general problems with special reference to how they affect first bank and suggest suitable strategies for improving the communication system in the firm.

1.2 Problem Associated with the Subject Matter

Communication plays a variable role in the efficient management of organization. Most organization does not recognize this, thereby they tend to underrate the effect of effective communication in organizations. It is quite difficult to ascertain the causes of ineffective.

communication in organization. This research tends to find out whether ineffective communication in first bank is caused by the communication flow that is the down words (supervior to subordinate) up words (subordinate to superior) in the organization or whether it is caused semantic problem.

For communication to also play an important role, there will be a good decision making body and this write up then tends to relate to us how decisions are made and carried out between the manager and their subordinate.

1.3 Purpose of the Study.

This research aims at investigation some aspect of communication as they affect first bank regional headquarters Enugu.

Other purpose of the study includes:

To ascertain the communication system operative in this organization.

To Asses the relationship between the formal and informal communication linkages as obtained in the day to day running of the firm.

To determine and evaluate the various problems


Militating against effective communication at different levels of the organization.

1.4 Importance of Studying the Area

The research hopes that after this study management will see communication as a vital tools in the organization and also that ineffective communication can sold up an organization. Management will also see that communication has an important role to play on works products. This research believes that if the recommendations given in this project are acceptable there will be effective communication and productivity will be high.

1.5 Definition of Important Terms.

a. Communication:

The exchange of ideas, information order etc from the sender and the understanding of the message by the receiver.

b. Dyadic Communication:

The exchange of communication between two people.

c. Communication Over Load:

Receiving more information than one can adequately process.

d. Semantics:

The branch of linguistics concerned with studying the meanings of words and sentence.

e. By-Passing:

Giving of different meanings by the sender and receiver of a message to the words and symbols that are used in communication.

f. Message:

This is a piece of news or a request sent to secondary. It could be in the form of spoken words, written words or physical gestures.

g. Channel or Media:

This is any way by which news, ideas, etc may travel.

h. Decoding:

Attaching a meaning to a message, that is received.

i. Encoding:

The translation of thoughts or idea in the form that be understood by the receiver in the senders mind.

j. Response:

This is the reaction of an individual or receiver to the stimulus because of his understanding of the message from the sender

k. Grapevince:

Informal communication channels in an organization.

l. Grapevine:

Informal communication channels in an organization.

Chapter Five

Findings, Recommendations and Conclusion

5.1 Findings

The problem under current study is to determine if actually strict application or rul es of communication by managers enhances productivity in the organi zation. The findings from results show that strict application of the rules of communication by man agers improves productivity.

In a work situ ation the manager’s most important function is the transmission or informa tion to his subordinat es
and others in a position to in fluence the attainment of organizational objectiv es. The aim is to gain co-operation based on adequate understanding, and to av ert discontempt, disputes, distrust and misunderstanding from a ll groups who influences his workers.

It is only through effectiv e application of the rules of communication by the functions or management that is primarily organizing, staffing, directing and controlling can be achieved as well.

Communication is the process through which information is conveyed within an organization and or between one and another party in organization is very vital for organizational needs. The estimates of the amount of time devoted to communication in organizations, according to Akanni (1987) ranges from 50% to 90% .

It is observed that any manager who wishes to thrive in accomplishing the organizational goals cannot afford to ignore the important role of informal channels of communication, because it is the channel that of ten carries undisguised truth about the performance of the organization.

Therefore, effective communication must exist if complex organizations are to be productive,

5.2 Recommendations

From the interpretation and observation shows that effective communication leads to improved organizational performance which also serves as a tool in organization management. Over the years, the importance of communication in an organized effort has been recognized by many authors.

Communication is an aspect of life because it is extremely difficult to think of life without it. Effective communication must exist if complex organizations are to be productive. This finding is supported by Richard L. Weaver (1992). Communication is both the core and bottleneck of organization management. It is the cement which holds organizations together as well as the gap between vital hierarchical elements.

Effective communication is essential for the internal functioning of enterprises because it integrates the management functions namely planning, organizing, motivating and controlling, Planning helps to lay the foundation for orderly communication . Determines goals and efficient methods and approaches for reaching those goals. Organizing however, provides a framework of management mechanism for purposive, integrate, co -operative action by many people, joint effort to implement any action. Motivating – unifies ideas, emotions, resources and transformation into appropriate actions. Th is requires communication that guides, encourages and corrects. It involves co-operation and reliability, creativity and productivity. And controlling action involves supervision and reporting of the goals that are shared. It is essential for the integral function of an establishment because it brings the different sections of the organization together, Specifically, communication is needed to establish and disseminate goals among departments develop plans for the achievement, organize human and other resources in the most effective and efficient way.

Communication between members of work groups, helps to co-ordinate quicker procedure of directing and establish relationship among different departments, bearing in mind that the success of the organization depends on the co- operative working of an sections of the organizations.

Management become aware of changes in cust omers needs, sources of suppliers, new legislative by government as it affects business, claims of share holders and feelings of the public about the organization through communication. Activities of the competitors, government, technological development, research findings and price changes among other things are made available to the establishment.

The second finding shows that an organized communication creates awareness and a tool in organization management.

External and internal communications are regarded as equipollent to organizational success. It is the opinion in many quarters that lack of effective communication between management and staff is the major cause of industrial unre st. Within an organization therefore, there are need for the flow of information such that t he feelings of staff are made known to the management and vice -versa. This can be possible by usi ng the various machine ry in the organization through which there can be downward, upward and horizontal communication in the organization. E ffective communication must have been observed to contain, purposive, interchanges, ideas/opinions, personally or impersonally and finally symbol or sign. When the effective communication stem from mission to having a purpose it aids to workers of the organizational expectation within a stipulated time frame, by making this possible through the management. It reduces loss of time and resources.

Through effective transmission workers become aware of what the organization/business wants to achieve and how, for even through people can agree on the objectives to be achieved, they ordinarily cannot be left to themselves in selecting strategies that w ill lead to those objectives, but required to be given the basic information.

Information concerning an organization must be properly communicated to a ll and because when everybody knows what is doing on in the organi zation, effort will integrated and they feel more belonged and able to contribute mea ningful towards the business objective. In other words, communication should not be restricted to any level of management because public opinion is everything (Hincoln).

Good listening habit and need for manager constant meeting to hold between staff and workers w ill create all enabling environment, improv e communication flow among a n levels and enhances confidence and reduces anxieties.

5.3 Conclusion

From the study and findings above on effective communications as a tool in organization management , it is however, important to note that it is sine qua non and paramount for organizations success. It is indispensable in achieving the pursuit of organ izational objectives. In fact it is believed to be the life blood of every organizations which all the managerial functions hings. As a result no aspect of organization can be effectively managed without it.

It is based on these facts that feelings of the workers and changes in the organization are made known to the management through various machineries. This encourages improvement, quality of co-operation and understanding is equally enhanced.

For effective communication to take place, it required information. Infact information is rega rded as a tool for management. No wonder in his own contribution, E ddie Huggins a one time U .K. Corporate Affairs Adviser, observed that management of information is the responsibility of every manager and not just the communicator specialist alone.

In concluding this research work it is hoped that the findings herein would help in the management of organizations communication effectively. Therefore there should be more emphasis and strict adherence to the communication rules which makes it possible in realization of organizational objectives..

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