Effectiveness Of Private Television Stations In Cultural Promotion

The Effectiveness Of Private Television Stations In Cultural Promotion Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)

Chapter One

This chapter introduces the Effectiveness Of Private Television Stations In Cultural Promotion and its relevance, states the research problems, research questions, and objectives, provides a background of the study, and should also include the research hypothesis.

Table of Contents


1.1 Background Of The Study

The best way to deal with a problem is to understand the issues involved. The topic assigned to this project is “Effectiveness of Private Television stations in Cultural promotion (A study of AIT).” When we talk about effectiveness, we mean the degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result. So the topic simply states how successful are private television stations in promoting culture.

The relationship between television and culture is integral and dynamic. Television is a merely neutral, technical strumming but is shaped by culture and it also shapes culture. New television technology constantly arises and influence cultural life. Television domination of domestic life begins in the 1950’s, films creation star in the world war 1 era or television combination of technologies often stimulate transcendent vision of an utopian or dystrophies future which are seen after in retrospect as technical.

Before we can talk about Private television Stations, the need to know what television really means is important. Television is an audio-visual electronic device that is also used as a telecommunication medium which is used for transmitting and receiving moving images and sound. Television also informs, educate and entertain a heterogeneous audience.

Television is more than just another great resource, it is the greatest communication mechanize designed and operated by man if pumps into over brain and unending strain of information, opinion, moral values and aesthetic taste. It cannot be natural influence. Every minute of television programming teaches us something these days what people think on every issue be it politics, religion, government, fashion, culture. All these are exclusively influence by television.

Television is not just a transmission device because it brings its massive audience into direct relationship with a particular set of values and attitude. Television brings the world into the homes of all the people of the world.
Television was brought into Nigeria on October 31, 1959 by Chief Obefemi Awolowo while private television stations started in the 1900’s and the first private television station in Nigeria is Africa Independent Television which was pioneered by Chief Dr. Raymond Dokpesi.

1.2 Purpose / Aim Of The Study

The project purpose is to know the extent and how successful are Private Television Stations in promoting culture.

Other purposes are:

Observing the impart of Private Television Stations.

Viewing the various ways culture has been promoted through television

Finding out how successful private television stations are in promoting culture


1.3 Statement Of Research Problem

Recently, technology capability realized that television has caused worry in the minds of some nations with satellite television programme sent from direct broadcast would remain inside national boundaries. When split over does occur, it can easily threaten a nation’s culture, integrity or even security thereby creating cultural integrity.

Television communal of one consumer oriented societies too positively.

Development in satire technology has serious security problem for nations, mass media increasingly internationalized are expressing increasing concerns about a possible reduction of their cultural uniqueness and the mastication of all cultures resulting from Euro-America cultures imperils.

Most private television stations nowadays have no time for cultural promotion, they have neglected our culture for other thing.

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