The Impact Of Organizing And Direction Function On Organizational Performance Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
This research work is an attempt to critically examine the impact of organizing and directing function in organizational performance. This concept assuming has gained a prominent position in organization because any starting organization without directing ad organizing is like starting a directionless journey. The purpose of this work is to determine the impact of organizing and directing in organizational performance the problems, roles and factors that affect the directing and organizing on how to maximize performance in chapter one, the research highlighted the introduction of the study.
Second chapter dealt with the literature review relative from the findings, discussion, conclusion and recommendation were made, via Aba should spelt out method of incentives to charge the worker to perform better.
Chapter three talks about design and methodology. Chapter four deals with data presentation and analysis.
Chapter five talks about summary, conclusion and recommendation.
Directing plays important role in any organization no matter how small the organization maybe. The role of directing have received increasing recognition over the last quarter of the last century. While other kind of management are engaged in some such performance as buying, production, marketing, accounting. The organization function seeks to discover staff the right type. These types of staff should posses the appropriate knowledge and skill for his work In hand.
The organizing and directing function embraces all aspects of the framework, because it deals with the human and social problems which may arise within the work firm proceeds in a framework of the organization designed by the management.
This framework to be stated, with real human beings, the true personnel function is to recruit and select people of the right type to induct them adequately and train them effectively plan for the long term development, arranged schemes of play and conduction of service, which most legal and trace required merits, to advice on health and safety aspects.
Directing is important to an organization just as life is to man. An organization without organizing and directing function is like starting a directionless journey. (Several authors and writers) have defined directing in different ways. According to Aau (2003:97) directing is a system which creates and maintains a conducive environment for increase participation of the employee towards, the achievement of the organizational goals and objectives and who can get things done quickly effectively and efficiently.
A manager who fails in anyway of these respects is likely to fail in responsibilities if for production accounting or marketing.
Given the frequent problems Nigerian Organization face in regards of management of their workforce and considering the outright incompetence demonstrated by employees of this organization, it has become necessary to highlight the relevance of principle of sound directing to organizational effectiveness. Most organization run into manpower requirements. Frequently these organization face arise resulting in uncoordinated, haphazard approaches that are against the enterprises objectives.
For instance, in some organization, top level management use the responsibilities of personnel specialists and engage in unacceptable employment procedure thereby making such organization experience low level of production, lack of proper marketing of services oriented outfit, this arouse because greater care was not taken in reaching manpower decision of that organization. For instance if the organization has done sits manpower for optimal planning and knows what will pay, it will employ for optimal utilization.
Lack of proper communication Procedures has hundred a free flow of understanding between the management and the workforce. Lack of motivation by the way of open-ended beneficial performance appraisal, promotion enhancement and fringe benefits have resulted in negating organization objectives, it is respect of these that the arms of selected PZ Plc Aba in Osisioma and directing in organizational rescue measures in accordance with principle of organization and directing function.
Human beings come to work in any organization with their own goal and aspiration. They have basic needs that they want to achieve as they work towards achieving corporate goals. Effective goals congruency for both the workers and he organization, managing It should be an important activity. this is the impact of organizing or directing is highly essential effectiveness is measured in terms.
There are many problems/challenges facing the global manufacturing sector, particularly related to its sustainability. The problems have a negative impact on productivity in industries taking PZ Plc osisioma Aba as a case study, the organizing and directing performance as a function is majorly affected by the following.
A) Regulation and traceability
The present day industries (PZ Osisioma Aba) as case study is facing increasing regulation and compliance measures everything for health and safety to waste management, is surrounded in red tape. While it is undeniably somem regulation are essential, others can be massive burden to the organization. As such this affects the organization directing and organizing function as related to efficiency of that organization.
B) Technological trend:
Now more than ever are industries and corporate organization faced with the trend in technological advancement in present days and equipments, type of tools used in such organization great influence productivity and efficiency in manufacturing and production process. Companies is highly regulated industries such as chemical and electronic manufacturer deal with REAC (Regulation, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction) of chemicals and similar laws. Keeping abreast of regulations and managing compliance reporting is an ongoing, challenge faced by present day organization (PZ Osisioma Aba) as case study
C) Balancing maintenance with through put:
Keeping equipment function is an essential part of running a manufacturing facility. Regular preventive maintenance costs is a problem faced by the organization and it tends to affect throughout. Customer satisfaction with delivery lead time.
D) The manufacturing skill gap
Just as baby boomer generation is reaching retirement age and leaving a considerable skill gap in the workforce. This void is a major problem is promising organization and tends to have a negative trend in directing and organizing in such organization, resulting in low performance, efficiency and productivity of the organization.
E) Production development and innovation
In a consumer driven world and as such development and innovation moving at a lighting pace to stay relevant, manufacturers need to be able to keep with the pace. As companies, cooperate organization strive to be first to introduce new concept, the temptation to compromise on quality can be huge. Staff attitude towards executing duties, following orders are top priority and also a major problem that affects organizing and directing functions is an organization and also a result factor that is on negative pathway towards efficiency and productivity.
This are the issues that have included the researcher to undertake this study.
Good number of researchers has attempted the following:
(a) To identify the problem of organizing and directing function, the role of some factors in influencing directing in organizational production.
(b) To find out the problem, role, importance and factors that led to organizing, directing in organizational productivity.
This study will help to discover, review and suggest ways to tackling the ever increasing problems in some organizations today.
(c) To establish the fact that a manger compelte and add value to the organization. To this effect the manager is:
(i) Carefully selected
(ii) Specifically trained for the job entrusted to him
(iii) Adequately rewarded
1.4 reward questions
a) To what extent do employment professional manager contribute to efficiency in organizing and directing function?
b) What are the relationship between personnel officer and other department officers?
c) What are the minor and major problems of organizing and directing functions?
d) How effective has the directing and organizing function been to the organization?
e) Does the organization have personnel department?
This study is of vital importance because no organization, large or small can operate successfully even if such organization have adequate programe, learning apparatus, good rules and regulation governing it without efficient and effective manpower to pilot the affairs of the organization. Also it will help employers of labour particularly PZ PLc Aba to properly select both directing and labour.
It will be of immense benefit to those in the government who will be in the position to formulate policies.
Furthermore, it will highlight the techniques that will help the PZ PLc Aba and future investors to motivate the employee towards high productivity. The study will also identity those problems of unchecked could deter productivity.
Another importance of the study is the in calculation of good sense of value to both the managers and the workers. Which will be geared forward towards organizational unity through effective organizing and directing function. His will also serve as a guide to those who will wish to carry further research on the topic.
1.6 scope of the study
There are many industries in Abia state, but the researcher decided to use PZ Plc Aba because of the time and money. Directing is not the only department in PZ Plc Aba. Others include administration, sales, production, accounts and security department.
However the study is concerned with only the directing department, because it will be too idle to undertake the study of all difficult and various departments despite the constraints, the researcher tried as much to collect objective data.
A. Effectiveness: Being able to bring the desired result. It is achieved when an organization’s affairs is reached.
B. Human resources: This means the totality of knowledge, skills, creativity, abilities, talents, and attitude of an organization. Human resources is also a modern term of what traditionally had been referred to as organization and directing function
C. Management: This is the coordination of all the resources of an organization through the process of planning, organizing, directing and controlling in order to attain organizational objective.
D. Motivation: It is the inducing of people to work to the best of their ability. According to (Akanwa 2003:77) motivation refers to the conditions responsible for variation in the intensity of quality and direction of ongoing behavior
E. Personnel: He is an officer or a manager employed to deal with relationship between individuals, employee their problems and grievances.
F. Personnel manager: Organizing and directing function is a person who is trained resources.
G. Productivity : It is actually the creation of a large pool of labour force which the organization can draw those regulation and attitudes.
Title page
Certification page
Table of content
Chapter One
1.0 Introduction of the study
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problems
1.3 Objective of the study
1.4 Research questions
1.5 Significance of the study
1.6 Scope of the study
1.7 Limitation of the study
1.8 Definition of terms
Chapter Two
2.0 Literature review
2.1 Introduction review
2.2 History/development of organizing or directing function-
2.3 Functions of organizing or directing function
2.4 The importance of organizing or directing function
2.5 Problems associated with organizing and directing function
2.6 The role of organizing and directing functions
2.7 Organizational effectiveness
2.8 Summary of related literature
Chapter Three
3.0 Research methodology
3.1 Research design
3.2 Population of the study
3.3 Sampling techniques
3.4 Instrument for data analysis
3.5 Validation of instrument
3.6 Method of data analysis
Chapter Four
4.0 Data presentation and analysis
4.1 Data analysis
Chapter five
5.0 Summary of findings, conclusion and recommendation
5.1 Summary of findings
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendation
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