Need For Purchasing Research In A Manufacturing Organization

A Case Study Of Pz Industries Ltd Owerri)

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This is a research study in the assessment of the need for purchasing research in the manufacturing organization. This research project is written to analysis critically the strategies involved in the assessment of the need for purchasing research how it will profit to organization and the basic need to adopt the purchasing research for the profitability of an. It will help in gather useful information about the product which is to be purchased and to ensure the quality and the quantity and at a good price. It is also to make useful suggestions and recommendation that will help in purchasing materials, which has lean collected personally by full observation and study. Chapter one of the project is focus on the background of the study,
brief history of the company, statement of the problems objective of the study significance of the study scope of the study limitation of the study chapter two deals on research review the related literature. Chapter three is based on the presentation of data analysis chapter four, it centers on testing of hypothesis, will chapter five is at about the summary, conclusion and recommendation also with bibliography.

Chapter One

Research has been identified as one the most powerful tools and a panacea to many of the worlds greatest problems. Research is a goal oriental and its goals determines its nature and forms.
Studies have shown that one of the major problems militating against the profitability’s of human endeavour in general and organization in particular is fact of adequate research.
It is in the light of these, that this research work is geared towards the assessment of the need for purchasing result and how it affects the manufacturing organization using PZ Nigeria Ltd as a case study.

As seer from the introduction research affect all spheres of man’s activities. The companies are not therefore left out especially is regards materials source of supply and other important and related issues about purchasing, hence, purchasing research.
The first world countries have embraced research that they have made remarkable and outstanding success and progress in the technology advancement of the world. This study seeks to encourage third world countries especially universities and polytechnics research institutions and the like not to over look the importance of research.
More so, companies are advised to pay good attention to the contribution of purchasing research for their increased profitability. They are encouraged to know that purchasing research is a tool that can assist their in their daily purchasing decisions. As a aid to enhance purchasing activities companies are against this background expected to embraced purchasing research provide the finance necessary to carry out this research for better performance of the purchasing functions which in turn contributed to the overall organizational profitability.

Peterson Zochoins PLC formerly knowns as Peterson Zochoins industries limited which was incorporate on the 4th Decembers, 1948 under the name of P.B Nicholas companies limited to take over the soap making activities of Mr P.B Nicolas who had some years prior to that data established a factory for that purpose. Peterson Zochoins and Additionally, the company has significant expend of glycerin and oil cakes by products of the soap making process which utilize sustained tonnages to palm oil and other repeatable oils purchased locally.

As earlier stated, purchasing by its nature is a basic and integral part of business management, in addition, the basic goal of any business organization is to produce goods and services which can be marketed at a profit.
However, this goal is achieved by blending appropriately the five as of management V12 machine man power, materials, money and management of all the five materials have seen as the life blood of industries as such used not be treated carelessly.
Purchasing research is therefore undertaking to solve problems such as sudden storages or an unacceptable price increase, or in response to other exceptioned situation such as a change in the law governing such as a change in the rate of exchange.
From the foregoing the objective of the study are:
(1) To ascertain the important areas of purchasing research
(2) To investigate into important areas of purchasing research
(3) To examine the reasons for purchasing research
(4) To x – ray the relationship between purchasing research in the manufacturing organization
(5) To find out the relationship between purchasing research company’s profitability.

(1) Does the organization attach importance to purchasing research
(2) If purchasing is given a top management approval is purchasing research of important concern to management
(3) How has purchasing research contributed to be company overall profitability
(4) What are the great that purchasing research is carried out in your industry
(5) What impact have purchasing research been playing in your industry.

A statement of put position which can be investigated to either be time or false.
This is the end target of ever profit oriented firm increasing their capital base in the four of additional revenue which can be plonghed back into the business as retains earnings.

This study or research work is very important to a number of persons. To me as the researcher carrying out this research is an adventure in the course of the waiting it is a way of development my talent and creative gift if writing as a student again it is a requirement for the award of the higher National Diploma (HND) in purchasing and supply chair management.
In addition, this study will serve as a data bank for reference point for other researcher. Furthermore, the department of purchasing in every industry will appreciate the content of this research work as it assists. There is their constant research for materials, products or seminars, purchasing personnel, supplier on commodities on purchasing procedures.
Inddition, this research will profit a number of students in the purchasing and other department of any higher institution by providing the necessary information for writing on similar or related topic it will therefore provide a yard tick topic or standard for such student when they shall make reference to this materials.

Purchasing research is an important and vast area of study, more so, it is carried out by a lot of manufacturing firms in order to increase their profitability. This being, the case, this research on purchased materials, products or service purchasing personnel, on suppliers or commodities and on methods purchase that is purchasing procedure or system.

In carrying out this research work, a lot of things interested me for example, the joy of ending my first degree will writing of my project. However I was constrained with time because we were giver a short period to write and defend our project immediately after company limited of Marchester (PZ) subscribed 75% of the company’s issued share capital and have since directly or indirectly or through subsidiaries companies retained its controlling interest.
PZ itself was incorporated in England in 1884, because public companies quoted on the London and Nor their exchange in 1993 it principle activities are that of general merchant in West African and it has been established in sierra leone.
In 1951 Mr P.B. Nicolas sold out his interest in the company to PZ two years later the company changed its name to Alagbor industries limited in 1990, adopted the name association industries. During the same years the companies achieved its first indigenous Nigeria equity, participation and by the end of 1972, it has sold 40% of its share capital to indigenous Nigeria.
I following the merger of PZ and company Nigeria limited and associated industries limited in 1976, the company changed its name to Peterson industries limited and 1990 adopted the name Peterson Zochonis Nigeria PLC
It is pertinent to note that after incorporated to note that after incorporated in 1948 new factory building were erected and in 1948 modern soap making equipment installed at Aba thereby creating one of the earlier major industries manufacturing facilities were further developed during 1960 both by addition to soap making capital and by the introduction of a wide range of perfumery cosmetics and medicinal productive
The original soap factory premise at Aba are to long used for manufacturing purpose but extensive factory and administrative premises have been built up there over the years.
During the year 1967 to 1970 (Nigeria civil was) manufacturing operation at Aba factory were disrupted and consequence the company operated in consequences in rented premises in Lagos, a factory which enable it to maintain supplies of all but its soap product to its maintain supplies of all but its soap product to its customers. This manufacturing unit moved to modern built on equipped factory premises on company property in the illupej estate near Lagos the company range of products include bar and toilet soap, perfumery cosmetics, of all which are distributed through Nigeria with buffer stock held at strategic centers.
PZ Nigeria PLC are well known through its duck premier and joy soap, rub ointment, minter specimens Dan Fulani pounds elephant APC Robert medicated soap, just powder huperial and Ava soap etc. our exams I was therefore hurrying to meet up with the date given to use and there was also no time to visit other libraries for vital information.
In addition there was also he problem of finance to more around in order to visit the industry used as a case study. There was also problem of insufficient research adjusted to by the researcher in order to ensure that this research work is a success.

It is also important to define some unfamiliar terms to that other researchers can find their warnings easily in case they want to make use of this work.
Is defined as planned buying it is function in the organization that fulfills organization needs through acquisition of the right materials supplies plants, tools, machineries and services that will enable the organization to attain its targeted goals.
This is a sustained inquiry into problems and seeking out ways to solve it. According to Anyanou (2006) research is the systematic and objective search for and analysis of data with a view to generate information necessary for the solution to problems.
According to Uzor (2003) purchasing research is defined as the systematic collection classification and analysis of data as the basis for better purchasing decision. It is therefore a formalized means of obtaining. Information to be used in making decision it is concerned with collecting and analyzing information couriering the supplies environment as a basic for planning of strategies for the future.
These are the people who supply materials parts goals or service to the buying organization.
This is a firm that may be either profit or non profit oriented that exist for the sake of producing gods and service at the profit or rendering services.

Table of Contents

Title page
Table of content
List of table
List of figures

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Objective of the study
1.4 Research question
1.5 Statement of hypothesis
1.6 Significance of the study
1.7 Scope of the study
1.8 Limitation of the study
1.9 Definition terms

2.0 Literature review
2.1 Introduction

3.0 Research design and methodology
3.1 Introduction
3. 2 Research design
3.3 Sources/ method of data collection
3.4 Population and sample size
3.5 Sample technique
3.6 Validity and reliability of measuring instrument
3.7 Method of data analysis

4.0 Presentation and analysis of data
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Presentation of data
4.3 Analysis of data
4.4 Test of hypothesis
4.5 Interpretation of result

5.0 Summary, conclusion and recommendations
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Summary of findings
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Recommendation

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