The Perceived Influence Of Information Literacy Skill On Acquisition And Use Of Library Resources Among Students Of Academic Institutions Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
The purpose of this study is to assess the perceived influence of information literacy skill on acquisition and use of library resources among students of academic institutions. A survey research design was adopted in the study. The population of the study comprised 387 students and considering the manageable population size, all members of the population was used for this research. The major instrument used for the study was a questionnaire. Out of the 387 copies of the questionnaire administered, 376 were returned and found useable. The questionnaire return rate was 90%. Responses to the questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive statistics for the objectives and multiple regression analysis for the hypothesis. From the result and findings of the data analyzed, the major findings are outlined below:The extent of information literacy skill of the students was found to be to a great extent as more than half of them were able to identify a lack of knowledge in a subject area, could identify a search topic/question and define it using simple language, identify different formats in which information may be provided, determine their search question clearly and in an appropriate language among others were identified. The student do face challenges when acquiring information literacy skill due to lack of well-equipped library for practicing information literacy, lack of access to computers, inadequate information and communication technologies/ infrastructure for teaching information literacy, lack of understanding of the concept “information literacy”, lack of seriousness of lecturers in teaching information literacy, lack of professionals trained in information literacy, lack of interest among librarians and information professionals, and absence of curriculum or well developed syllabus on information literacy were identified among others. It was recommended that students should be properly trained on how to effectively use the computers and other information communication technology (ICT) infrastructure.
The aim of this study is to assess the perceived influence of information literacy skill on acquisition and use of library resources among students of academic institutions.
Specifically, the objectives of the study include to;
- To determine the degree of information literacy skill of students of academic institutions in Nigeria;
- To determine the methods of acquiring information literacy skills among students of academic institutions;
- To examine the influence of information literacy skills on use of library resources among students of academic institutions;
- To find out the challenges students face in acquiring information literacy skill for use of library resources in academic institutions.
5.0 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1 Summary
The purpose of this study is to assess the perceived influence of information literacy skill on acquisition and use of library resources among students of academic institutions. A survey research design was adopted in the study. The population of the study comprised 387 students and considering the manageable population size, all members of the population was used for this research. The major instrument used for the study was a questionnaire. Out of the 387 copies of the questionnaire administered, 376 were returned and found useable. The questionnaire return rate was 90%. Responses to the questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive statistics for the objectives and multiple regression analysis for the hypothesis. The instrument was also subjected to a reliability test using the Cronbach’s Alpha method. This was achieved by distributing copies of the instrument to 30 students. The Cronbach’s Alpha returned a correlation coefficient result (0.94) information resources use, (0.87) extent of information literacy skill, while the overall result revealed (0.94) which indicates that the instrument is very reliable enough for the conduct of the study. The overall value for the entire instrument is 0.94, the instrument was said to have acceptable reliability coefficient and suitable for the study. From the result and findings of the data analyzed, the major findings are outlined below:
The research findings on the demographic characteristics of the sampled students on Table 4.1 shows their distribution in terms of: name of institution, ages gender, and marital status.
The extent of information literacy skill of the students was found to be to a great extent as more than half of them were able to identify a lack of knowledge in a subject area, could identify a search topic/question and define it using simple language, identify different formats in which information may be provided, determine their search question clearly and in an appropriate language among others were identified
The student do face challenges when acquiring information literacy skill due to lack of well-equipped library for practicing information literacy, lack of access to computers, inadequate information and communication technologies infrastructure for teaching information literacy, lack of understanding of the concept “information literacy”, lack of seriousness of lecturers in teaching information literacy, lack of professionals trained in information literacy, lack of interest among librarians and information professionals, and absence of curriculum or well developed syllabus on information literacy were identified among others.
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