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Problems Of Private Vocational Institutions

(A Case Study Of Enugu Urban)

5 Chapters
47 Pages
5,393 Words

Private vocational institutions, commonly known as private career colleges or training centers, play a crucial role in addressing the skills gap and providing specialized education in various fields. However, these institutions confront a myriad of challenges. One significant issue is the lack of standardized accreditation processes, leading to variations in the quality of education provided. Another pressing concern revolves around affordability, with tuition fees often posing a barrier to access for certain socio-economic groups. Additionally, there are instances of inadequate regulatory oversight, fostering an environment where unscrupulous practices can thrive, affecting the credibility of these institutions. Furthermore, some private vocational institutions may struggle to keep pace with rapidly evolving industry demands, potentially rendering their programs outdated. Addressing these challenges requires a collaborative effort involving policymakers, accrediting bodies, and institutions themselves to ensure the delivery of high-quality, accessible, and relevant vocational education.


This study investigated the problsm of private vocational institutions in Enugu urban. The population consisted all students and private vocational institutions proprietors in Enugu urban the number is 1,800 from this questionnaires uses as the only instrument for data collections from the analysis of data revealed that problems of finance maladministration affect the smooth running of private vocational institutions.


Title page
Approval page
Table of contents

1.1 Background of study
1.2 Development of business schools Nigeria
1.3 Statement of problem
1.4 Purpose of the study
1.5 Significance of the study
1.6 Research question
1.7 Delimitation
1.8 Assumption
1.9 Delimitation of terms

2.1 Literature review
2.2 Private business schools and qualified teachers
2.3 Problems of private business school
2.4 Funding private school
2.5 Private business schools and the welfare of their staff
2.6 Mobility of staff in pirvate business schools

3.1 Design of the study
3.2 Area of the study
3.3 Population of the study
3.4 Sample and sampling techniques
3.5 Instrument for data collection
3.6 Method of administering and collecting data
3.7 Method of testing the validity and reliability of the research instrument
3.8 Questionnaires

4.1 Data presentation and analysis
4.2 Research question one
4.3 Research question two
4.4 Research question three
4.5 Research question four

5.0 Discussion finding summary conclusion and recommendation
5.1 Discussion of findings
5.2 Summary of findings
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Recommendation
5.5 References


Prior to the Nigerian civil war commercial schools existed in all part of Nigeria for the training of youths in secretarial took over the control of education in 1971. most business schools were mereged with secondary grammer schools. Today there is emergent shift in emphasis and orientation towards a more functional approach to secondary education which fulfills the socio economic needs of the nations secondary school are encouraged to introduced the practice of all subject such as typewriting books keeping shorthand, office clerical and secretarial practices accounting and economics.
Osual’s (1989) observes that formal school for business training were started by private individuals
The comparatively late development of organized business education as compared to public secondary grammer schools in Nigerian can probably be explained by the patter after the British public grammer school wihich the curriculum is entire of the academic type
He further that the rapid economic development which took place in nigeria during the 1950’s especially in the large population centres promoted the establishment of another type of secondary education which was generally designated the secondary commercial school. Private commercial school can defined as the personal or individual or joint trade or commercial institution that up bring children in both nursery primary, secondary or even commercial schools in the state. However the desire for education knowledge and development of ventures was not left for government alone. It is well known private organization and individuals have played an important role in the development of education in any country this in fact has reduced illiteracy in our society this school constituted the most valid part of educational system most with various name such as commercial institutes school for secretary ship and accounting. They offered course varying from two to fice year duration and prepare public for a number of certificates of the royal society of arts for the pitman and other commercial certificates there schools were privately owned and offered course in book-keeping Algebra shorthand typewriting commercial arithmetic and English. Commercial school were usually recommended for primary school graduates who could not gain admission into secondary schools as a result commercial schools were looked upon as a dumping ground for the academically weak student.

In Nigeria a lot has been said and written about private business schools. In the same vein eminent schools have accused the owners of these school of egocentric that much attention has not been given to scholar properly and their attention was this topic. Oranwah (1999) identified the problems facing private school as resting squarely on finance and mismanagement the was of the view that proprietors of this schools cannot distinguish between bsuinses fund and personal fund some of these critics maintained that the proprietors of these schools are highly avaricious and so materials conscious that the think less of the student interest their welfare and their academic attempted to determined the numbers of vocational institutions in Enugu metropolis

The main purpose of the study is to determine the problem of private vocational institutions in Enugu state specifically the study seeks to:
1. Determine the various problem affecting the smooth running of private vocational schools in Enugu urban
2. Determine whether their problems affect academic performance of the students
3. Determine whether those problem affect academic performance of the students
4. Recommend solutions to these problem

This research work will help parent who will like their schools to appreciate the problems of private vocational institutions.
The result of the study will be useful to all parents who would like to educate their word in private vocational institution in Nigerian. Finally the result of this study will be useful for Enugu urban and federal government of Nigeria because it will assists them to build sound policies for running private vocational institutions.

The following research question were formulated for the study.
1. What problems affect smooth running of private vocational institutions in Enugu urban
2. What are the causes of the problem failing private vocational institutions in Enugu
3. Do the problem of private vocational institutions affect academic performance of the students
4. What solution are necessary to improve the performance of private vocational institutions in Enugu urban
This study concentrated only on determined the problem of private vocational school in the urban
In this study the researcher assumed that lack of finance is one of the problem of private vocational schools in Enugu.
It is also assumed that qualified teacher is other problem of private vocational school.
Another assumption is that school are badly structured and equipped for a qualitative education.
Finally there is ceaseless mobility of staff in privately owned business commercial schools.

The following terms used in the study were explained below
1. Qualified teachers: Qualified teacher are used in this work to mean professional trained and who passes a terminal certificate NCB, BSC HND and other equivalent these teachers have also the request skill to teach like business commercial schools secondary schools is and the likes.
2. Equipment: Equipment in this work means such issues that frigate to environment surrounding workshops science laboratories
3. Private business schools: Private business school are used in this work to means all those schools owned individual or collectively without direct sponsorship by government or any philanthropic organization such school are also funded individually.

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Problems Of Private Vocational Institutions:

Private vocational institutions, like any educational institutions, can face various challenges and problems. These issues can impact the quality of education and the overall student experience. Some common problems of private vocational institutions include:

Quality of Education: Many private vocational institutions may prioritize profit over educational quality, leading to subpar instruction and outdated curriculum. This can result in students receiving inadequate training that doesn’t meet industry standards.

Lack of Accreditation: Some private vocational institutions may not have proper accreditation, which can affect the recognition and value of the degrees or certifications they offer. This can limit graduates’ job prospects and opportunities for further education.

High Tuition Costs: Private vocational institutions tend to be expensive, often leaving students with substantial debt. High tuition costs can deter potential students, particularly those from low-income backgrounds, from pursuing vocational education.

Financial Stability: Private institutions may struggle with financial stability, which can lead to abrupt closures or a decline in the quality of education as they cut corners to save money. This instability can disrupt students’ education and future plans.

Limited Resources: Private vocational institutions may have limited resources compared to public institutions. This can impact the availability of equipment, facilities, and support services for students.

Variable Quality: Quality can vary widely among private vocational institutions. While some offer excellent programs and support, others may lack experienced instructors, modern facilities, or industry connections.

Employability and Job Placement: Some private vocational institutions may overpromise on job placement rates and the employability of graduates. Students may find it challenging to secure jobs in their chosen fields after completing their programs.

Ethical Concerns: Unethical practices, such as deceptive advertising, pressure sales tactics, or misrepresentation of program outcomes, can be prevalent in some private vocational institutions. These practices can harm students and their financial futures.

Regulatory Challenges: Private vocational institutions often face regulatory scrutiny and may need to meet certain standards to operate legally. Failure to comply with regulations can lead to legal issues and reputational damage.

Limited Transferability: Credits earned at private vocational institutions may not always transfer to other educational institutions, making it difficult for students to continue their education or switch fields if desired.

Inadequate Student Support: Some private institutions may lack robust student support services, such as career counseling, academic advising, and tutoring, which can hinder student success.

Limited Diversity: Private vocational institutions may struggle with diversity and inclusivity, potentially limiting opportunities for students from underrepresented backgrounds.

It’s essential for students considering private vocational institutions to thoroughly research their options, check for accreditation, and consider factors like cost, program quality, job placement rates, and the institution’s reputation. Moreover, government agencies and regulatory bodies should monitor and enforce standards to ensure the quality and integrity of private vocational education.