Repair And Rehabilitation Of A Faulty Refrigerator

5 Chapters
25 Pages
2,471 Words

Repair and rehabilitation of a malfunctioning refrigerator involve a series of meticulous steps to restore its functionality and efficiency. Firstly, diagnosing the root cause of the issue, whether it’s a faulty compressor, damaged seals, or a malfunctioning thermostat, is crucial for devising an effective repair plan. Next, skilled technicians employ advanced diagnostic tools and techniques to identify and rectify the specific problem areas, ensuring comprehensive restoration of the appliance’s functionality. Utilizing high-quality replacement parts and adhering to manufacturer guidelines further enhances the reliability and longevity of the repaired refrigerator. Additionally, implementing preventive maintenance measures, such as regular cleaning of coils and inspection of electrical components, helps mitigate future breakdowns and prolongs the appliance’s lifespan. By prioritizing prompt and accurate diagnosis, employing skilled professionals, and incorporating preventive maintenance practices, the repair and rehabilitation process of a faulty refrigerator can be optimized, ensuring optimal performance and customer satisfaction while reducing the likelihood of recurring issues.


The refrigerant gas let into the condenser through the compressor and the vacuum pump was connected to the condenser to absorb dirty.
Gas was refilled into the compressor due to shortage of gas and it was filled inside the charging value and refrigerant.
The driver strainer was change due to blockage with the help of oxygen and acetylene welding.
The compressor was put on and the compressed air through the holes to the gun due to high pressure inside the tank. The air then forces the point out of the gun for spraying.


Title Page ii
Release Page iii
Transmittal Page iv
Approval Page v
Abstract vi
Acknowledgement vii
Dedications viii
Table of content ix

Introduction 1

Literature Review 3

Tools Used 8

Final Test and Sequence of Opera 11

Conclusion 14
Reference 15
Appendix Two 16



Refrigeration is a science which deals with the process of reducing and maintaining the temperature of the mechanical appliance which caries out the refrigeration principle as in transferring heat from a cold reservoir to a hot reservoir and requires a work input. However this heat flow is transmitted through a medium. Heat is transmitted by conduction convention are extensively adopted in refrigeration.

The purpose of this project work is simply to acquire a general knowledge in the maintenance of refrigeration equipment such as cold rooms refrigeration e.t.c.
In the course of this project, we worked on a faulty refrigerator at Engr. Ayogu’s office.

The scope of this project was limited to maintenance and repair of a faulty refrigerator. This report is basically comprised of all arrive at a proper and safe working conduction of a faculty refrigerator.

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Repair And Rehabilitation Of A Faulty Refrigerator:

Repairing and rehabilitating a faulty refrigerator can be a cost-effective way to extend its lifespan and avoid the expense of purchasing a new one. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to go about it:

1. Troubleshooting the Problem:

  • Start by identifying the issue with the refrigerator. Common problems include not cooling properly, strange noises, leaking water, and electrical issues.
  • Check if the refrigerator is still under warranty, as some repairs might be covered by the manufacturer.

2. Safety Precautions:

  • Before you begin any repair work, unplug the refrigerator from the power source to ensure your safety.
  • If you’re dealing with a gas refrigerator, turn off the gas supply.

3. Gather Tools and Materials:

  • You’ll need basic tools like screwdrivers, pliers, a multimeter, and a flashlight.
  • Depending on the specific issue, you may also need replacement parts, such as thermostats, fans, or compressors.

4. Clean the Refrigerator:

  • Remove all items from inside the refrigerator and freezer compartments.
  • Thoroughly clean the interior of the refrigerator to prevent any mold or bacteria growth.

5. Identify and Replace Faulty Parts:

  • Depending on the issue, you may need to replace specific components, such as the thermostat, defrost timer, condenser fan motor, or compressor.
  • Consult the refrigerator’s manual or look up information online to locate these parts and understand their functions.

6. Check for Blockages:

  • If the refrigerator is not cooling properly, check for blockages in the condenser coils and evaporator coils. Clean or replace them if necessary.

7. Inspect the Door Seals:

  • Ensure that the door gaskets or seals are in good condition. Damaged seals can lead to temperature fluctuations and higher energy consumption.

8. Test the Refrigerator:

  • After making any repairs or replacements, plug the refrigerator back in and turn it on.
  • Monitor the temperature inside the refrigerator and freezer to ensure it reaches the desired levels.
  • Listen for any unusual sounds or leaks, and check for proper airflow.

9. Regular Maintenance:

  • To prevent future issues, perform regular maintenance, such as cleaning the coils, defrosting the freezer if necessary, and checking the door seals.

10. Professional Help:

  • If you are not confident in your ability to repair the refrigerator or if the problem persists, it’s advisable to seek help from a professional appliance repair technician.

Remember that not all refrigerator issues can be easily repaired, and in some cases, it may be more cost-effective to replace the appliance, especially if it’s very old or the repair costs are high. Always prioritize safety when working on any electrical or gas appliance, and consult the manufacturer’s guidelines for specific instructions on maintenance and repair.