The Role Expectations Of Educational Administrators In The Management Of Secondary Schools Complete Project Material (PDF/DOC)
This research work sought to find out the role expectation of educational administrators in the management of secondary schools in Agwu Local Government Area of Enugu State. The scope of the study is based on the various role expected of the educational administrators in the management of secondary schools in Enugu State in which five purpose of the study was drawn to guide the study. Five structured research questionnaires where raised to guide the study, this is to enable the researchers to get enough information as not be based in their report 21 secondary schools was selected out of 26 secondary schools in Awgu Local Government Area.
The literature review relates that the study was conducted under the following sub-heading, concept of management and autocratic leadership style. The method adopted for the research is descriptive survey design. The population of the study consists of all the educational administrators in 21 secondary schools in Awgu Local Government Area of Enugu State. Data collected by the use of structured questionnaire. Simple random sampling techniques was adopted which has been analyzed using mean value of 2.5.
Finally, the findings of the research shows that the number of experienced personnel in the field of school administrators continues to diminish while some present administrators have no basic training in the principles of secondary school administration and as a result fail to know their role expectation therefore regular supply of trained personnel is one of the role expected of the school administrators. Based on the research findings the following recommendations were made: That there should be open door policy operation by administration for effective personnel management.
The Background of the Study
Education is the aggregate of all the processes by which a child or young adult develops the abilities, attitudes and other forms of behaviour which are of positive value to the society on which he lives. Education has also been described as an indispensable tool of development for any member of the society to develop skill or achieve his aims, he must have functional education. In taking this into consideration the Federal Government of Nigeria came up with the national policy on Education, first published in 1977 and revised in 1998. in the policy document (1998) the Federal Government documents (1998) the federal government adopted education as “An instrument par excellence for effecting national development. This national policy on education 1981 clearly articulates the new educational objective, which includes the acquisition of appropriate skills, abilities and competencies that will equip individual for life in the society. This national policy on education (1998) specified the general aim of secondary education as:
i. Preparation for useful living within the society
ii. Preparation for higher education
The desire to make a functional type of education in Nigeria has resulted in the need for effective administrative system.
Education administrators have special function in the management of schools. This is because we attribute the smooth running or failure of schools to its administrators. Administrator implies actions and interactions with persons and things with a view of attaining specific objectives, sometimes planned in advance, sometime at the heart of the moment. It presupposes critical thinking and awareness of the issues of the moment. It also implies the understanding of the frame of mind of others in a give situation. Consequently an administrator is a clarifier in a number of issues, which would otherwise, confused the less way of person.
The organization, administration, instruction, spirit and purpose of a school reflect to a great extent the personality of the administrator and his staff. The school work revolves round the administrator, the school itself projects his own image. Administration demands a lot of intellectual qualities such as resourcefulness, sound judgment, initiatives, broad mindedness, originality, the ability to free see and analyze problems to be able to offer good solutions.
An administrator is thus seen as “meaning maker” attempting to achieve school unity and organizational cohesion (South worth 2002) and as “an individual who directs the affairs of an organization in such a way as to achieve its primary goals and objective and who can get things done quickly and efficiently.
Administration in education refers to a means which formal goals are achieved through cooperative human effort. An educational administrator is also seen according to Adamte (2002) as “an administrative head, manager, a community public relations man and supervisor” as well as “an instructional leader, planned educational revolution”. How a school administrator behaves depends on how he view his role expectation roles, are allocated on the basis of some patterns that hopefully facilitate the achievement of tasks. Therefore the major role expectation before the prospective administrator is that of determining how to serve. The function for which the organization is intended.
In secondary school system, the administrator is referred to as “principal”
Eye (1989) stated by way definition of duties of principals in secondary educational system as a person who has mastered the skills of coordinating educational purpose, teaching strategies, services personnel, time distribution, public interaction and the evaluative demands of one designated school unit within a total system. Fafunwa (1971) also stated that the principal is responsible for.
Overall Administration of the school
Supervision of staff
Improvement of instruction and curriculum development and school community relationship.
The primary aim of school administration has to do with the improvement of teaching and learning and all the activities of educational administrator must be directed to wards this ends. The central function of educational administrators in thus seen as to forestall the collapse of the educational institution.
According to okonkwo and ozunmba (1991), educational administrators have three dimensional roles, which aimed at achieving certain educational objectives.
These include:
The job: This means the task and responsibility to be carry out by the administer in achieving the organizational goal.
The man: Man here refer to the individual who has the task to achieve the goals of the organization
The social setting: This refers to the community or environment in which the man is carrying out his job.
Also in 1992, Ukeje noted that in school system there are specific administrative role expectations and these are the responsibilities of the super-ordinates but the effectiveness of the action depends to a large extent on their ability to move with their subordinates and the degree of congruence between their separate perceptions of expectations for their interrelated roles. This goes on to show that administration involves relationship between subordinates and super ordinates.
The school as the citadel of all learning activities is viewed as a miniature society. It is the social agency whose function is among other things to inculcate in the young the values, which a particular community cherishes, According to Ezeocha [1986] the school is most likely to achieve significant goals through a high level of school community understanding secondary education is very essential for the effective development and progress or growth of any society. Secondary education consolidates and gives meaning to what a child learn at the primary school level and prepares him for further adventure into the realms of knowledge. It therefore provides the deciding factors and acts as a clearing house to all other educational institutions. More so it has responsibility of teaching values of Nigeria democratic way of life both by directing instruction in the classroom and by guidance of the pupils in the concrete practice citizenship in daily school and community living. This brings into focus the unique position of secondary school administrators in Nigeria. The role expectations of educational administrators are thus seen as essential and there is therefore no doubt that demands on them is heavy and pressing.
Statement of the problem
Educational administrators must have both adequate experience and proper administrative training in order to cope with the challenges of modern school administration (Obi, 1991). Unfortunately a good number of these administrators have no formal training in this field, they learn through trial and error. The number of experienced personnel in the field of educational administration continues to diminish as a result of resignations, retirement and deployment, while the most seasoned school administrators have no basic training in the educational administration and as a result fail to know their roles in the management of secondary schools. This led the researchers to identify the role expectations, of educational administrators in the management of secondary school in Awgu Local Government in Enugu State.
Scope of the Study
There are various roles expected of the educational administrations in the management of schools in Enugu State. But for the purpose of this study only the ones concerning the role expectation of education administration in management of secondary school in Awgu Local Government would be stressed. Hence, the generalization drawn by the researchers are strictly based on their findings within the area of study.
Purpose of the Study
i. To identify the major role expectation of educational administrators in the management of secondary schools.
ii. To determine how leadership style of the educational administrators affect performance of their role expectation in secondary school management.
iii. To know how finance determine the role expectations of the educational administrators in the management of secondary schools in Agwu Local Government.
iv. To identify the major role expectation of educational administrators in staff personal administration in the management of educational administration in the management of secondary schools.
v. To what extent does community relationship affects the role expectation of educational administrators in the management of secondary schools.
Significance of the Study
This study will be significant to the educational administrators who will be aware of their role expectations in the management of secondary school as well determine the leadership style to adopt at any point in time in order to achieve the goal of the school. This study will be beneficial to the educational planners because it will help them to provide a well planned curriculum development in the schools.
It is however crucial to note that the findings of this study will also be of significance to teachers. When the role expectations of the educational administrators in management of secondary schools are revealed by this study, the administrative work of the educational administers will improve and this will improve staff (especially teachers) performance.
Furthermore, the students will benefit from the findings of this study. Where there is effective management of the school, students academic performances will be improved. Schools are built to help the students acquire knowledge. If student’s services are not provided adequately and effectively the aims of the educational programmes will not be achieved. The school climates must be such that allow every student to increase his feeling of satisfaction, sense of belonging, identification and participation.
These can be achieved when the educational administrators know their role expectation and work towards them.
Finally, the study will help the secondary administrators in effective interaction between them, their subordinates and external bodies.
(1) What are the role expectations of education administrators in staff personnel administration in the management of secondary schools in Awgu Local Government?
(2) What are the role expectations of education administrators in the management of secondary schools n Awgu Local Government?
(3) To what extend does school community relationship determine the role expectation of educational administrators in management of secondary school Awgu Local Government?
(4) To what extent does finance determine the role expectation of education administrators in the management of secondary schools in Awgu Local Government?
(5) To what extent does the leadership style of the educational administrators affects their role expectation in secondary school management in Awgu Local Government.
Title Page
Approval Page
Table of Contents
Background of the study
Statement of the problem
Purpose of the study
Significant of the study
Research question
Scope of study
Preview of related Literature
Concept of Management
Concept of education Administrators
The Leadership style of an Educational Administrators
Summary of Literature Review
Research Methodology
Design for the study
Area of the study
Population of the study
Sample and sampling techniques
Instrument for data collection
Reliability of the instrument
Method of data analysis
Presentation and Analysis of data
Discussion of findings
Educational implication of the findings
Suggestion for further research
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