Effect Of Water Extract Of Colanitida Pod On Lipoprotein Concentrations Of Albino Wistar Rats

5 Chapters
48 Pages
277 Words

Investigating the impact of water extract derived from Colanitida pod on the lipoprotein concentrations of Albino Wistar rats reveals significant alterations in lipid metabolism. The study delves into the intricate relationship between the bioactive compounds present in Colanitida pod extract and the physiological responses within the rat model, particularly focusing on lipoprotein levels. Through meticulous experimentation and analysis, the research aims to elucidate the specific mechanisms through which the extract influences lipid profiles, shedding light on potential therapeutic applications or implications for health management. This exploration bridges the realms of pharmacology, biochemistry, and animal physiology, offering insights into the complex interplay between natural compounds and biological systems.


Cola nitida has been in use in the eastern parts of Nigeria for the
management of certain ailments and as an aphrodisiac in the
management of some sexual dysfunctions. However the effects of this
extract in some health parameters in human objects have not been
reported. This work, then, was aimed at investigating the effect of
water extracts of kola pods on lipoprotein concentrations on albino
wistar rats.
Rats were used in this study and they were divided into several groups
and fed with a high calorie food (cow’s brain) so as to increase the
blood lipoprotein concentration in the rat models. The effect of the
water extracts of the sample used was compared with a known drug
and the results statistically compared to ascertain the effect of the
water extract on the rat models.
The results of this work indicate that water extracts of cola nitida pods
can be used in the management of mild lipoprotein dysfunctions thus
substantiating the reasons for its use in sexual erectile functions.


Title page
Approval page
Table of contents


2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Kola Nut Powered (Cola Nitida)
2.2 Kola pod components
2.3 Geography and distribution
2.4 Lipoprotein
2.5 High cholesterol diagnosis
2.6 Low cholesterol
2.7 Changes during circulation
2.8 Liver

Materials and methods
3.1 Identification and Extraction plant material
3.2 Phytochemical Analysis
3.3 Experimental Animal model
3.4 Collection of Blood samples
3.5 Lipid profile Analysis

Phytochemical composition of samples

Discussion and conclusion
5.1 Discussion
5.2 Conclusion


Cola Nitida has been used in folk medicine as an aphrodisiac,
an appetite suppressant, to treat morning sickness, migraine headache,
and indigestion (Esimone et al., 2007). It has also been applied
directly to the skin to treat wounds and inflammation (Newall et al.,
1996)on the teeth and gums. There has also been speculations as to its
use in the treatment of peptic ulcer, however, in Nigeria there is no
record of the incidence of peptic ulcer.
According to Esimone (2007), cola nitida tree is native to West
Africa. Cola nuts are obtained from cola trees. Cola nitida belongs to
the genus cola and family steriliaceae. They are commonly used to
counteract hunger and thirst; in some cases it is used to control
vomiting in pregnant woman and also as a principal stimulant to keep
awake and withstand fatigue by students, drivers, and other menial
Lipoproteins are found in the liver and cells. The liver is the
largest organ inside the body. The liver is dark reddish-brown and
consists of two main lobes. There are over 300 billion specialized
cells in the liver that are connected by a well organized system of
“bile” ducts and blood vessels called the biliary system.

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